Wednesday night

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Your POV

As the door slowly closes you crutch over to the couch and lay down. Shannon rounds the corner coming from the kitchen.

"Spill. A very attractive man spent the night and I need details." she comes to the couch and sits next to you.

You explain the night and get to the part where you wake up all over him.

"I am not usually a person that flails over the bed when I sleep so I have no idea how I ended up with my head on his chest." you shrug. "I really didn't mind though, he looks super muscular but he's very comfortable to sleep on." You find yourself smiling like a little girl.

"Can I be honest y/n?" Shannon has a smile on her face. "I don't think i've ever seen you this happy. Even with a broken leg and a split lip." she laughs.

"I don't know Shannon, there's something about Shayne that makes me feel so giddy. He is so special it makes me wonder how on earth I deserve someone that is that hot and that thoughtful." You lean your head back.

"I think you've found your equal. Someone that balances your anxiety with calm, someone who knows that bringing you flowers means more than a date night would. He understands that you are emotional and need the steadiness of someone like him in your life." She places her hand on yours.

"You think so? I haven't put too much thought into it."

"The minute I met him I knew he was going to be good for you. His friends were so nice and he was so much fun to be around. Sophia wouldn't stop talking about how personable they were. Every minute you two weren't talking he was looking at you and smiling. The look that came over his face when I made that toast was one of admiration of the work you do and the success you create for yourself." The way she explained it, it made a lightbulb go off in your head.

"Is this what a good relationship is?" You didn't know, all of the past relationships you had were you being overly nice and going out of your way to make them happy; never the other way around.

"Yes y/n. This is what a healthy relationship looks like. Please don't let him go." she gives you a hug and walks to her room.


Pulling out your phone you check your school email and see each professor has responded. You'll be able to Facetime into class instead of having to come in. Exams were to be made up at then end of the week, you would be back to class by Thursday.


Tuesday night you end the facetime call to your last class. Turning your desk chair around you see your phone screen light up with a text message.

6:37pm Shayne: How about we do date night at my house? I'll come pick you up and bring you to my place! I can cook you dinner and we can watch a movie or play some games. How does that sound? Pick you up at 5?

6:40pm: you: Sounds perfect. Hope you're cool with me in comfy clothes, it'll be a while before you get the hot version ;)

6:45pm Shayne: you look beautiful regardless of what you wear. Wear what's comfy!

His comment makes you smile. Looking into your closet you think about what you want to wear. Because of your cast you were limited on what options were available in the pants department. On the top you decide to wear a oversized army green sweatshirt that complemented your eye color. Leggings were your default so they would do, and lastly some black vans (well one bc ya know, cast). You pull out each part and lay them on the back of the chair for tomorrow afternoon.

Getting into bed you couldn't help but wish he was there too. His presence calmed your worry and his touch was therapeutic. Laying where he had been you smell his cologne still in the sheets, you curl into the blankets and fall asleep.

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