you again

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Your POV (anything italic is inner thoughts)

It's 6pm Friday. You've just gotten out of class and need a mental break from the information you just learned. Anxiety for you manifested in many ways, today it was a raging headache that would not go away. Usually you would go to the drive thru and binge on whatever sounded best in the moment, and every fiber of your being wanted to do that right now. Instead, your brain tells you to go exercise.

Over the past couple of weeks you've experimented with integrating the gym into your everyday schedule, trying to go before class and after class. You notice your jeans loosening and your shirts falling off your shoulder, it felt nice for your hard work to finally start to pay off.

Pulling into the driveway of the house you bring in your backpack and change into gym clothes. Your filling up your water bottle as Shannon walks in to the kitchen and grabs an apple from the counter.

"Headed to the gym?" she asks.

"Actually yeah, i'm starting to really like how it makes me feel." you smile.

"You go girl!" she slaps your butt and walks out.

You appreciate your friends being supportive, something you never got from your parents. Leaving the house you turn on your favorite pump-up song and drive off.


By the time you get to the gym it's already 8:15pm, LA traffic was ridiculous and the trip to the gym was long even if traffic didn't exist.

Walking in there are significantly less people compared to times before, it probably had to do with the fact that it was a Friday night and instead of going out for drinks you were here. Instead of doing the usual look around the gym you put your head down and hop on an elliptical. For 45 minutes you go through an intense interval workout that gets you sweating hard. Because you did leg day last time you were here, it's an arm day.

The dumbbells were free of meatheads so you place your water bottle down on a bench and go grab a 15 pound pair. You go through 5 or 6 different movements and do 3 sets of 10 each side. Placing the weights back your arms feel like noodles. As you head toward the wire machine you see a flash of blonde in the corner of your vision, causing you to a double take. You panic and turn your back to him. Holy crap that cannot be him, this is so embarrassing. Be cool, act like you don't see him. Picking the wire system furthest from him you load the weight and go through a couple of sets. Every so often you glance his way to see if he notices you. He's at a squat rack across the way from you, facing the opposite direction.

What is this high school? Why do I care if he notices me? God I cannot afford a crush right now.

You sit on a window ledge next to the machine and grab your phone, leaning to place your forearms on your thighs. You take a swig of water and scroll through your gym playlist to find the perfect song for the next set. As you search you notice someone coming towards you and sitting on the ledge close to you. You keep your head down and see the person getting closer to you. Glancing out of the corner of your eye, you meet a pair of ocean blue ones. Your head turns and your hand pulls out the headphone on his side.

"Hey," he says with enthusiasm, "funny seeing you here again!"

"Haha yeah, i'm usually not here this early in the evening." you say, wiping the sweat from your face.

"Why so early?" he asks.

"That's personal," you huff, contemplating sharing personal information. "School actually."

"Really? What for?" He questions.

"Nursing," you take a drink of water.

"Really? Hey, cudos to you for wanting to do that," he's surprised.

"It's a passion of mine." you give him a curl smile.

"How much longer do you have?"

"I graduate in three months actually," you haven't thought about that in a while.

"Hey good luck! I never got your name when you fell the other day," you assume he wants to know it.

"It's y/n, but you can call me (First letter of your first name or your favorite nickname)," you smile.

"That a pretty name," he gives you a smile.

"Oh thanks," you blush.

"Sorry to interrupt, wanted to say hey," he winks and leaves.

Did he really just go out of his way to talk to me? I feel like I told him too much about me. He never said anything about himself... weird.

You finish your workout and feel proud. The feeling after a good gym session was one that you loved. Getting in your car you put your seatbelt on and head home.


Walking in the front door you see Sara and her boyfriend of two years Stu on the couch cuddling.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt," you wink, heading to your room to shower.

After a nice cool shower you sit at your desk and get to studying. As time passes you lose track of it, you pick your head up to see it's 1:30am and decide to call it a night (well morning). You slide into your bed, enveloping yourself in fuzzy blankets and drift off to sleep.

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