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Your POV

"I'll see y'all at my place at 9!! BYOD (Bring your own drinks)" You yell as you put your stuff into your backpack. 

Zipping your backpack you exit the room, and head to your car. Before you could go home you had to make a pitstop. The girls were in charge of getting the food and you are in charge of the drinks. You stop by a local liquor store and stock up on each of their favorites, grabbing a few of cheap options for those who don't bring drinks. You pull into the driveway and open the door. Not only have they gotten plenty of food, they have large metallic balloons that read 'R.N.' and "congrats". Streamers line the doorways and they each are wearing headbands with pom-poms on them. As you look around in awe, they place one on you and pop open some champagne. 

"It's your party b****!!!" Sophia screams. 

Before you know there's a red solo cup in your hand full of champagne and orange juice. 

"Go get ready!!!" they push you to your room and you walk to the closet. 

Pushing through the racks you find the perfect outfit. A black pencil skirt, a velvet maroon high neck body suit, black chunky heels and your apple watch make up the outfit.  



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 -------------------------------------(AN: this is me on new years 2018:) ) -----------------------------------------

You shower and blow dry your hair. (Style how you please but I prefer full curls as you know). Your eye  makeup is a deep smokey eye and false eyelashes. Your eyes were your selling point majority of the time so might as well emphasize them! Eyebrows were filled and sharp, and finally some neutral lipstick finishes the look and by the time you're done it's 8:45pm.

Before you leave the room you put your favorite perfume on and take one last look in the mirror. Pulling your skirt so it just hits your waist you smooth down the bottom of it. Heading down the stairs you are surprised with how many people have come early. Your eyes look at each face as you descend down the stairs, at least half of your class was here and your roommates significant others were there too, but no Shayne. It was before 9 so you weren't worried. When you reach the bottom everyones attention goes to you. 

"Look at you!!" one of your classmates has her eyebrows raised and her eyes are wide. "I've never seen you like this! Stunning, hot, irresistible!!" she gives you a hug and you both laugh. 

"y/n you look amazing! I never noticed how much weight you've lost until now!" Shannon runs her hands down your sides emphasizing your curves. "Guarantee you'll get action tonight," she winks. 

"OOOOOOOh, y/n get it!!" Sara is shocked. 

"This'll be a fun night for you," Sophia adds before breaking away. "Make sure and tell us which one he is when he gets here." 

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