white roses

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Your POV

"Promise." His ocean blue eyes looked into yours with care.

As he walked away and out of sight the color of his eyes stayed in your mind. The leg casting wasn't horrible, you were given pain medication to relax beforehand. You chose a silver cast that started below the knee and ended at the start of your toes. After, you were sent home from the emergency room to rest and recover. The nurses gave you your dress in a clear plastic bag, you had changed out of the hospital gown into some sweats and a t-shirt. On the way out, you throw the dress into the trashcan and don't look back. Sara drove the group home.


As you crutched into the house you realize that you have to hobble up the stairs to your room. Slowly but surely you make it up, sweat on your brow from the effort. Once you reach the door you look at the clock, its 7:32 am. You hadn't thought about what time it was until now, the thought making you feel the exhaustion hit your body. Pushing the door open you limp to the bed, head hitting the pillow and immediately falling asleep.


You wake at 4:54pm in agonizing pain. Rolling in your sleep, your shoulder hit the wall sending pain shooting through your chest. It was the kind of pain that made you gasp. As you lay trying to regain normal breathing a thought pops into your head. What are my classmates going to think when they see me like this? I can't go to clinical with a cast! So many thoughts overwhelmed your head, making you start to cry and slightly panic. Your mind searches for ways to solve this problem, none of the options were ones you liked. You grab your phone and unlock it hastily. You send an email to the dean and coordinator of your nursing program explaining what has happened. An email is sent to each professor, asking for what can be done with your state of health. After clicking send on all of the emails, you realize you haven't called Shayne since you left like you had promised. A sinking feeling hits you, making you wonder if it was smart for you to continue talking to him. It brought you to this point in your life, lying in your bed slightly helpless and in extreme pain, but at the same time it brought you happiness. The way he looked at you, the way he chose to stay and wait for you to wake up at the hospital, it was almost as if he genuinely cared about you. As you click around on your phone trying to decide to call or not there's a knock at your bedroom door.

"Hello?" you say.

"Y/n it's Sophia, can I come in?" she turns the knob and cracks the door open.

"Come lay with me," you gesture to the spot next to you in bed for her.

She gently lays on the bed and turns to face you.

"Tell me what happened," her eyes were red and blood shot. She looked like she hadn't slept since you came home.

You tell the story, crying when you reach the hard parts and the harsh words. As you recall the event her emotions switch between angry and sad.

"y/n that sounds horrible. You don't deserve to be hurt like that for no reason. You should do something about it." she props herself up on one elbow.

"Like what Soph, beat her up? Like that went so well last time," you scoff, giving her a sarcastic look. 

"I don't know, but you can't let her be the reason you don't go to the gym or give up the things or people you care about. You should talk to Shayne about it." she grabs your hand. "I worry about you being okay after this. I know what happens to you when traumatic things occur in your life and want to make sure it's not like last time."

... (flashback)

It was freshman year of college and you were moving into your apartment. Your boyfriend Brock was helping you move large boxes and unpack. The two of you had been dating for a couple of months and you really liked him. Recently he has become distant and uninterested in things he previously liked doing with you. When he was on his phone he would hide it when you looked towards his screen but was adamant that he wasn't hiding anything. As you place the last t-shirt in the drawer you turn to see Brock on his phone smiling.

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