something special

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Shaynes POV

She looked at me with anticipation with what was to come. When I wrote this I had all of the confidence that it would be right but looking at it again in this moment it didn't feel appropriate.

"Y/n, listen. I wrote this drawn out letter to read but it doesn't feel right in this moment. Instead I just want to say what is on my heart." I take a deep breath in and out. "Over the past weeks you've shown me that being forgiving and seeing the good in others is something that I should do more. You taught me that it's not about looks or Instagram followers, hell it's about the connection. The connection that you and I have together that made me realize that this is more than just a fling. I have deep, honest feelings for you. You're the epitome of strong, beautiful, wise, and smart all in one person."

She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, tucking a rogue hair behind her ear. Her eyes never leaving mine.

"This past weekend with my parents really showed me that you fit in well with my family without effort, and my mom is no walk-in-the-park to get along with. I am beyond lucky to call you mine. I'm stupid, and left up a picture that should have been gone a long time ago. I know that i've put you through so much over the past weeks but I promise that I will do my best to keep anything else from happening to us, to you. It is completely your choice if you want to go, but I beg you. Please stay and be with me. Let me be yours." I take a step closer to her and grab her waist.

"Shayne, I-," she looks away from me, sighing as she processes everything. "I don't think you understand how emotional I can be. Honesty is so important in relationships and I needed you to admit that you messed up by having her picture there. I need you to tell me what you're thinking in that head of yours," she pokes my forehead with her index finger. Her hand cups my cheek and her thumb rubs back and forth, her eyes dead set on mine. "I hope you and I grow from this, and it never happens again. Please." She tilts her head slightly and her eyes search my face. A tear runs down her cheek and lands on her shirt. Her hand leaves my face and combs through my hair.

"Let me make this up to you, y/n." I move my head to grab her gaze.

She looks at me and smiles slightly, only the corners of her mouth moving. "I know you want to but I would rather forget this happening and move on." The edges of her lips quivering slightly.

I pull her gently into a hug. She sniffles a time or two before pulling away. Her hands cradle the back of my head, I hold her forearms. "Y/n, I'm sorry. What do you want to do?"

She continues to look at me, her eyes boring into my soul. She doesn't look happy, she doesn't look sad. Before she speaks she lets go of me, lost in thought. Her lips part slightly before saying "My parents are coming to town tomorrow to celebrate graduation with me. I've met yours, now you should meet mine. They know we're dating but I'd like to have you there for support."

My mind screeches to a halt, "I thought you were graduating next month?"

"I am, they planned a trip to Fiji that week so they aren't coming." Her eyebrows furrowed as she began to cry again.

I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth, "What about your siblings, they'll come right?" I shook my head in disbelief. I grabbed her hands and brought her into a hug.

She started to sob, "no, they have work or some other excuse."

This girl works so hard to be where she is and not one of her family members will be there to support her. I have to think of something.

"Okay, i'll come to dinner. I'm so sorry to hear that." I run my hand from the top of her head to her back until the tears stop. "Do your roommates know?" A thought comes to mind. She shakes her head no, and sighs.

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