the past

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Shaynes POV 

When I began to tell the story of me drowning as a child, her mouth turned downward and she stopped looking at me. I reach over and hold her chin up to make sure she is okay; I didn't like seeing her sad. As she sat and watched me cook, I couldn't help but notice a gleam in her eyes. She intently listened to each story I told and asked questions every once in a while. I talked about my childhood and the stories about my family, with each her eyes became more and more sad. 

Cooking wasn't my strong suit but Josh helped me out. He gave me an easy recipe that would make it look like I worked harder than I did. One of my biggest worries is being too weird around people i'm interested in but I felt so comfortable around her that I was okay with being myself. I put on a good song and got to work. She sat at the bar, watching me cook and asking me questions about my life. I told her about my family and the support they gave with me being on So Random and The Goldbergs. I talked about my siblings and how each of them are doing their thing and in happy relationships. Her facial expressions changed as I talked more, making less and less eye contact as I continued. 


I couldn't imagine living a life without my parents support yet she carries herself with such grace regardless of that. After her and I had a small talk it was time to pull out all the stops. 

She closes her eyes and waited patiently. I had to run around the house and get everything together before she looked. 


The candle light made her look beautiful, but also showed how tired she looked. As we ate we talked about our friends and laughed at old stories about our past, her laugh intoxicating. 

"Y/n, tell me about why you wanted to become a nurse. That is not a job for the faint of heart." I asked, knowing she would have a good answer. 

Her eyes lit up and a big smile grew over her face. "That is one hell of a question to ask Shayne but i'll give it a shot." She sat up tall and began to search for the words. 

After a couple of seconds she looks at me and smiles. 

"Okay so I think it started when I was a toddler. My mom told me that instead of reading baby books I would look at her first aid and CPR books. I was born with a heart defect that made me go to the doctors often and I was always given the best care by the nurses and doctors. When I started high school I joined the health club and enrolled in every health class possible, I shadowed surgeons and therapists but the people that were always there were nurses. They were the face of the care being received and were always talked about by the patients with such admiration. It made me want to have the same impact on people. I want to be an example for those who struggle to excel in school because let me tell you, it took me a while to become the student I am now. School has never been a strong suit for me, so getting into college was a bit hard. It took me two attempts to get into the UCLA nursing program but once I did it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never thought I would be good at school but I found a major that intrigued me in all aspects and I excelled. Now i'm about to graduate and be able to help those who need it." She was smiling ear to ear as she recounted her journey. 

I leaned back in my seat and couldn't help but smile at the pure joy and excitement that was radiating from her. I have never seen her face light up like this before now and I would do anything to keep it that way. 

"You were born with what?" I suddenly remember her saying something about her heart. 

"I have a leaky valve in my heart that they had to fix when I was born. I'm fine now, but it required me to see the cardiologist often. It never bothered me because they were so nice and always told me what was going on." she leaned her chin on her palm and propped her head up, ending the sentence with a smile. 

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