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Shaynes POV

My mind spun as I got home after a leaving y/n at the hospital. Damien shut the door behind us as we entered our dim apartment. The sun was starting to rise, the light illuminating the room a bit.

"She's going to be okay," he gives me a tight hug.

"Thank you for coming with me to see her, after what Nicole did I had to make sure she was going to be okay." I say, pulling away from the hug.

"Hey she's my friend too," he smiles "but I need some sleep." He pats me on the shoulder and heads to his room, closing the door behind him. You hear him greet the cats and collapse into his bed. 

As I lay in bed my mind races about how the night unfolded and all of the points I could've done something to avoid this from happening. As I played each situation through my mind it wasn't until 3pm that I realized I wasn't going to go to sleep until I talked to her about this. I slip on a pair of jeans and leave.

I wanted to get her something to make her smile but didn't know her well enough to get her something specific. I text Courtney for some help.

3:21pm: S: SOS want to get y/n something but have no clue what that is

3:25pm: C: keep it simple and grab some pretty flowers! You should get some nail polish for her toes too since she has that cast that exposes them


I knock on her front door and a few seconds later it opens. Shannon stands there looking at me, and smiles. 

"You look like you haven't slept in days Shayne," she chuckles. "What brings you here?"

"I need to make sure she's doing okay. Plus I wanted to do something nice for her, after what my ex did last night." I explain, hoping she understands.

"I don't think you understand how much this will mean to her. Come in, i'll take you to her room."


Did she really just offer me to sleep in her bed? I don't want to hurt her if I accidentally nudge her. I'll just be careful.

The sweatpants she offered were the perfect size and very comfortable, knowing that I'll get hot I pull off my t-shirt and place it on the chair. She gazes at me, eyebrows lifted.

"Dang dude, you're way too hot for me," she gives an exaggerated sigh and sinks into the bed.

I slip into her bed, sinking into her extremely comfortable mattress and see her eyelids becoming heavy. She is laying on her side, facing me.

"First thing, I am not too hot for you, you are waaay out of my league. Second, don't fight it, sleep y/n you need to heal," I say.

Her eyebrows that held so much worry relaxed and she looked calm. She repositioned to her stomach, laying her head on her arm and closing her eyes. I reach out my hand and rub her arm. Dragging my fingertips along the entire length of her arm I reach her hand and it instinctively grabs mine. I move my hand to interlace my fingers with hers and as I hold her hand every piece of me wants to hold her, comfort her, make her feel better. I don't want to move her in case it hurts so I settle for where we are now. As I lay and watch her sleep I dose off myself, falling asleep with the thought of her smile playing in my mind.


I'm awoken by an arm touching my side, opening my eyes I see y/n has gotten close to me. I could feel her warmth radiating off her skin and wanted more. Her right side was flush with my left, her on her stomach still and I was on my back. Sitting up slightly, I place one had on her hip and other under her neck and shoulder and slowly pull her towards me. She startles slightly but doesn't wake. After I pull her, she is laying with her head on my shoulder and arm around my torso. My arm wraps around her back, slightly picking up her shirt to trace my fingers on her warm skin.


A phone rings and wakes both of us up. Her eyes look into mine and then look around at how we are.

"When did this happen?" she looks up at me, her eyes were such a pretty color of (eye color).

I shrug and look for my phone. I have a missed call from Ian. Looking at the clock its 8:30am on Monday morning. Slipping out of y/ns' arms I walk into the hallway and call Ian.

"Hey dude, sorry i'm not at the office right now. I had some personal things I needed to take care of but will be in as soon as I can." I apologize.

"Okay, next time maybe let me know before you just don't show up. It's not like you." he says matter-of-factly.

"I know dude i'm sorry. I'm on my way." I end the call and walk back into the room.

Y/n is sitting on the edge of the bed, her hair falls over her shoulder, her shirt was oversized and covered her pajama shorts. As my gaze travels downward I see the cast that encompassed her leg. It was large and chunky on her muscular legs, awkward looking. I walk to her desk and grab a mega sharpie, kneeling down I write 'I heart Shayne' in big letters. Looking up at her I smile.

"Thanks for that," she laughs "now all of my classmates are going to have plenty of questions. Can you help me? I need to go wash up." She extends her arms and I grab hold, hoisting her up to standing.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I need to go to work," I frown at her and grab my jeans from her desk chair.

"That's okay! Hand me my crutches and i'll walk you out." she stands as I hand her the crutches. "Don't worry about the sweats, I don't wear them."

She reaches the top of the stairs and sits on the the floor.

"What are you doing," I look at her with a unsure face.

"Going to slide down so I don't have to hobble," she smiles.

"I have a better idea," I smirk. I pull her to standing and pick her up wedding style. She's light as a feather as I carry her down the stairs, placing her on a chair. I jog back up and grab her crutches to help her.

She crutches to the door and opens it. I look down at her as she leans onto her crutches for support.

"I'll let know you next time I can come see you," I place my hands on her face, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs.

"Please do," she looks into my eyes.

I give her a soft kiss, and she kisses me back. Placing one more on her cheek I turn to leave.

"Shayne," she grabs my hand pulling me back to her "I don't think you understand how much this means to me; you coming here and spending time with me." her eyes were so kind, her smile soft.

"This is nothing, you just wait," I whisper in her ear, pulling away and smiling at her.


Once I got to work I explained my night to Ian.

"Dang dude that is one hell of a situation. Is she okay?" he says surprised.

"She's okay. I was with her last night because she was having issues sleeping. I really wanted to make sure she was okay." I explain.

"I understand. Just give me a heads up next time you won't be here." He stands from his desk and the two of you get to work for the day.


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