chapter seventeen

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“I’m back!” James shouts as he opens the door and my senses are flooded with something that smells irresistible. My instincts flare and take control of me. I forget about the packet of blood in my hand, dropping it on James’ carpet. I don’t care though. Something smells so fucking good and I need to be near it, I have to have it. My mouth is watering and my teeth are aching. The scent belongs to a woman. No, she’s not a woman: she’s prey. I’m going to catch her and I’m going to kill her. She’s prey and I’m the predator. The second I smelled her I knew I wanted her, and right now, I know that’s she’s mine. Her appearance means nothing to me. I only care about her scent. I only care that she’s my prey.

“Anthony!” James says loudly and sharply as he snaps his fingers in front of my face. I snap into focus and look at James. “This is going to be your first human feeding,” he says and he points at my prey. I can hear her steady heartbeat and breathing; both are waiting to be stopped. James snaps his fingers in front of my face, recapturing my attention. “Right now, she’s in a trance and completely unaware of what’s going on around her.” James tells me. “What you’re going to do is feed on her without killing on her.”

“But she’s prey,” I say as I look at her and I’m salivating. I need her blood soon or I’m going to explode. It’s so hard to not go over there and start feeding now.

James snaps in my face yet again and I turn to him. “You’re going to feed from her without killing her,” he says, this time more slowly so I’ll get the point. I understand what he wants me to do, but I don’t want to do it. “You’re going to know what to do when it comes to biting her and starting to feed. To avoid killing her, you’re going to have to listen to her heartbeat. It’ll get faster and then it’ll start to slow down. Once it starts to slow, you need to stop. Sometimes it’s easier to stop when the heartbeat is fast so you don’t overdo it.” I want to hear her heartbeat stop though. I want to feel the life drain from her as I drink her blood. “Anyway,” James says as he snaps his fingers in my face again, “there’s something about our venom that makes the person we feed on, not kill, feel pleasure.” I remember from when I was a human when James would bite and suck at my neck and how, when he would kiss me, the pleasure was almost too intense to handle. “I think it’s something in the venom that spikes up the sexual desire and pleasure in the victim. It’s a topical effect that the venom has, pretty much wherever our venom touches a human it’ll fire up the euphoria.” I look back at my prey again; at least she’ll be happy when I kill her. James snaps in my face and continues. “A good way to get your victim is to entice them and start by kissing them and then move to their neck.” I feel slightly betrayed that all of what James is explaining now was what James did to me to get my blood. All those thoughts and all that internal conflict was for his selfish need. He must know that I know because he looks slightly uncomfortable. He hides it well, but not well enough. “The kissing usually makes it so the victim doesn’t even notice the bite and the venom heals it up quite nicely. This way victim never notices what happened and often times-”

“They don’t even believe that it happened,” I deadpan, cutting James off. He looks slightly embarrassed. I look over at my prey. My anger at James right now is going to make killing her all the more fun. James snaps in my face yet again and I growl at him. He just rolls his eyes. “Don’t over think it. Your instinct knows what to do.” I know that’s my cue.

I don’t even need to think over it as I move quickly towards the woman. I don’t even bother with the kissing. I just go immediately for the neck, my instinct telling me where to bite her. It’s not long before her blood is flowing into my mouth and I’m sucking at her throat to get more. This blood is much better than the blood from the packets. It’s warmer and there’s something in it, almost like a spark. It’s the spark of life. It feels electric and it gives me energy. This blood is fresh and it’s better than anything I’ve ever tasted. I can feel the woman getting weaker and it sends a sick wave of pleasure through me. I moan from the blood and how close I am to a kill. I can hear her heart slowing down and it makes me even happier. I don’t care how sick it is that I’m close to killing this girl and enjoying it. I could die right now and I would be happy forever because this is just amazing in its purest form.

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