A Shift in Sides

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Sorry I didn't upload a chapter last week. Assignments got in the way. Now before you all start screaming at me, I am going to make up for last week by upload two chapters. Everyone happy? Good! Enjoy the chapters!

Nyota, Nguvu and Moyo run as fast as they can to the border. Every passing moment made Nyota more and more anxious. Could Siku really be this stupid to go to the Outlands alone?! Was he lost? Was he hurt? Had the hyenas already found and killed him?

"We're almost there Nyota!" Nguvu yells in an attempt to calm her down and failing.

"We need to get there now! Siku could be in danger!" Nyota snaps.

A flash of golden yellow catches Nyota's eye as it walks into the Outlands. Siku.

Nyota pushes herself to run faster. Her legs burned as they sprint across the Pridelands, inching closer and closer to the Outlands.

Siku crosses the border, still angered by the conversation he had with his father. How could he sit around and do nothing while others were suffering? He would never understand the Outlanders. Nyota might but he was doubtful of that. He kicks a stone into the rocky wall. The rock echoes as it hits the wall before landing loudly on the ground.

"Someone looks mad," says Hatari.

Siku looks up to see Hasira and her siblings Hatari, Shetani and Bingwa. His anger dissipates a little at the sight of them.

"You okay?" Hasira asks as she nuzzles him.

"I couldn't convince my dad to give you all another chance. He said you would all take advantage of our generosity," Siku explains.

Hasira scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Of course he'd say that".

"At least he understands our situation," Shetani says, referring to Siku as she gives him a smile.

"He's one of us now," Bingwa replies, "He might as well be part of the clan".

Siku smiles at that.

"Thank you for trying," Hasira says and licks his cheek.

"I still failed," Siku replies sadly.

"Don't beat yourself up about it," Bingwa says as he tackles him in a friendly manner.

Siku laughs until a roar makes his fur stand on edge. The hyenas look in fear as three figures come charging across the border.

"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" Nyota screams.

"Nyota stop!" Siku cries.

Moyo and Nguvu attack Shetani, Hatari and Bingwa while Nyota chases Hasira.

Shetani manages to break off from the group and howl for help. Realising that more were on the way, Nyota yells a warning to Moyo and Nguvu to hurry.

"Nyota! They are my friends!" Siku shouts.

"They're using you!" Nyota retorts, "Let us take care of this so we can get you to safety!"

Hasira suddenly trips and Nyota pins her down.

"No!" Siku screams as he stands behind Hasira.

Nyota stops and glares at him, "What's the matter with you?!"

"Don't hurt her! I love her!" Siku screams.

Nyota looks at him like he's lost his mind. A growl escapes her lips as she glares at Hasira. Hasira shivers under her stare, her breathing fast and heart beating so loud and so fast it might jump out of her chest.

"You seductive demon!" Nyota growls, "How dare you try to take advantage of my brother!"

Hasira gasps as Nyota's claws aim for her throat. Siku lunges at Nyota and takes the blow. Her claws scrape down across his side as he tackles her to the ground.

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