Author's Note - The End

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Well...That's it, guys. It's the end of the series.

10 books done in just over 2 Can you believe it? I can't 😂

I'm honestly lost for words right now. I have so much I want to say but I don't know how to say it. I'll start with you guys!

Thank you so much to everyone who has read my series and journeyed with me and the characters. I didn't think that this many people would read this fanfic series but I got 50 viewers, 100 viewers, 200 viewers, 1000 viewers and the highest I've got was........holy moly........25K viewers!!!!! WWWHHHAAATTT???!!!

And thank you to my 294 followers!!! Sorry I didn't make anything special for 200 Followers but I didn't have any time at the time. Not sure if I'll be able to make anything for 300 but I'm open to suggestions. What something done or made? Have any ideas for it? Please let me know.

Everyone has been so supportive while I was writing this series and it's honestly so mind-blowing. Thank you!!!!!!

I originally wrote the first book just because I got inspired by the show and wanted to get my story out there. I never thought it would...just...keep...going. I don't even know how I did it 😳😱

Also, I am not super happy about this last book because it was rushed, it wasn't planned well and I did get some writers block. I'm so sorry that this book wasn't the best but I still hope you enjoyed it.

Another reminder that I started the series BEFORE Season 3 of The Lion Guard so not everything is gonna match up and I don't plan on rewriting the entire series just because the show doesn't match up.

Speaking of season 3, I am currently working on another TLG fanfic because I got inspired...again. It's gonna take place AFTER season 3 and it's gonna be Kiuli. I SHIP Kiuli and no one is gonna take that away from me, NOT EVEN DISNEY! *ahem* So make sure to keep an eye out for that. Hopefully I'll upload the first few chapters very very soon depending on if it's completed enough.

Now back to the original 10 book series, we have finally reach the end of 'the end'. I could've made 1 more book to link it to season 3 but I don't really have that many ideas for a good plot/action/storyline and it would be weird finishing on 11 books (don't ask why. 11 is just a weird number to finish on). This series has been my life for the past couple of years and because of this series, my life has changed for the better in so many ways.

First, even though over time, writing was starting to feel like a job, I still loved to write and it became a hobby of mine. It also helped me improve my writing as a writer and it helped to test and grow my imagination.

Second, as I grew in popularity (sort of) for the series, I got to know how friendly and supportive the Wattpad community is. All of my followers are so supportive and reading your comments on how much you loved a chapter and story always made me smile....except for the "when are you uploading?" Comments because I was taking too long to post. Those comments stressed me out 😅. I made a few close friends here as well.

And last but not least, because of this series, I found love. And I don't mean the love for writing or the love of people liking my stories, I mean I found someone special and very dear to me. BuckTiger567 originally met me through my stories. He always liked and supported each chapter and story I posted and he occasionally talked to me privately on messages. Until we finally realised the time differences in where we live, I only thought of him as my biggest fan. But we talked and talked and soon we became close friends. Now just over a year ago, we became something more. Girlfriend and boyfriend to be exact 😊. I'm sorry if this sounds cringy to some people but I really wanted to thank him too. BuckTiger567 has made me the happiest I've ever been in my life and I love him so, so much.

I think that's all I have to say now. Again, make sure to keep an eye out for any new stories I have on the way! I am working on fanfics as well as some originals. Ooh 😯. I would really appreciate it if you stick around to read them when they are published and don't be afraid to leave a like, comment and follow if you haven't already done so.

Thank you all so much for everything! You're the best and I love you all! So until next time...Later Gators!

Wait, you're still here?

Want more information huh? Very well then. If you have any questions about me or the series or any of my books, please don't be afraid to ask them here in THIS chapter's comments.

I will be doing a Q&A and I will post the questions and answers sometime next week or I don't know. Depends on how many questions I get 🤣.


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Keep an eye out for this book...

Still want more?Keep an eye out for this book

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A Heart's Desire is coming soon!

It is not part of the series. It's a stand alone story just so you know.

Dawn of a new Guard #10Where stories live. Discover now