21. always you-shaped thoughts inside my head...

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by: serenecalamity

Eddie Kaspbrak sipped from his wine glass and tried to force himself to pay attention to what the woman in front of him was saying.

She was beautiful and probably very interesting and he had seen the way a couple of other people had been trying to get her attention in the time that they had been speaking, it's just that he could hear Richie Tozier laughing with someone just a few feet away, and it felt as though his whole body was on high alert.

"I'm going to go and get a refill," the woman said, holding up her empty champagne glass. "Did you want anything more?" She nodded at his wine glass, that was still half filled, and he gave her a small smile and shook his head.

He was going to be gone by the time she came back anyway.

He really needed to go out and have a cigarette.

He was supposed to be giving up and trying to stick to vaping, but fuck it.

It was one of the things that he had taken up within days after his mother had died and he had realized that he could do whatever the hell he wanted to.

Wasn't the healthiest, but other than smoking, he worked out a couple times a week and ate really well, so he allowed himself his vices.

Right now, he just needed to get out of the house.

Or the mansion, or whatever the hell it was.

He didn't belong here.

The only reason Eddie had been invited to this big music mixer with some of the most important names in the music industry was because his best friend, Beverly Marsh, had obviously requested that he come.

She was a big up and coming fashion designer, and she often asked that Eddie be her plus one to these events.

It was still a bit weird that Eddie had gotten a personal invite that arrived in the mail, since usually he would just go in with her.

Eddie found a quiet place out in the backyard, on the third or fourth balcony—he'd honestly lost count—and he pulled his pack of cigarettes out of his pockets and fished around his other jacket pocket for his floral pink and black lighter.

Beverly had dressed him for this event, like she did for most, taking him out shopping to buy a new suit.

He liked this one; it was dark blue with subtle pinstripes, and a baby pink button down underneath, that was tucked into the fitted pants, black shoes that he already owned so didn't need to buy another pair, and he had painted his nails a shiny silver colour with flecks of glitter, with his hair in an artful quiff and some pink gloss on his lips.

It wasn't as though he could usually afford a brand new suit, given his wages as a nurse at a doctors clinic, but they had gone to a place that Beverly supplied regularly and had a substantial discount with, and so here he was, with a new suit.

Plus, maybe he had been willing to stretch his budget a little tonight because it had been two and a half months since he had seen Richie.

And yet, it had been an hour since he had gotten here, and not one word had been exchanged.

Not a single word.

A couple of glances, yeah, but not a word.

Eddie puffed his way through one cigarette, and then stubbed it out on the pristine white brick that framed the balcony and the steps that lead out into the backyard, and then put another between his lips.

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