29. concrete jungle

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by: eddiefuckingkaspbrak

 (this one's long)


Eddie slipped out of the cab and passed the driver his money before grabbing his suitcase. He smiled, waving his driver goodbye before pulling his suitcase towards the main entrance to the building. After a lot of secret saving and his quick thinking, Eddie had made it to New York to visit his best friend Bill Denbrough at college. He shared a dorm with three other guys, but when Eddie had let him know he was coming to stay for a few weeks, Bill didn't seem to think it would be an issue.

It had been two years since Eddie had seen Bill in person, as his parents had moved away from Derry shortly after Bill went to college, which meant there was no need for him to come there during the holidays. They got by with Skype calls and text messages, but Eddie really missed his best friend, and therefore took matters into his own hands. He was twenty years old for fucks sake, he should be allowed to visit his friend without his mother's permission.

He pushed the buzzer on the outside door and the marshall on duty let him inside when he gave his name. Apparently, they had been expecting him. Eddie gave him a smile and made his way to the elevator, pushing the floor where Bill's dorm would be. He stepped out on the correct floor and found the door with the number 43 plastered above it, knocking on it three times.

"Hang on!" A voice called from behind the door that Eddie didn't quite recognise. A funny feeling spread in Eddie's stomach as he realised that maybe Bill wouldn't have been home when he arrived. He couldn't think too much about it, as the door swung open to reveal a guy with curly blond/brown hair and an apron around his waist. He was grinning and he pulled the door further open. "You must be Eddie? I'm Stan, come in we've been expecting you."

Eddie stepped into the dorm and was immediately hit with an amazing smell of something cooking in the kitchen. His stomach growled as he realised he hadn't eaten anything since early that morning, before he left for the bus station. "It's nice to meet you, Stan," he smiled as the door was closed behind him. "Is Bill not home?"

Stan shook his head, motioning for Eddie to follow him into the main living space. There was lots of things over the walls that clearly belonged to each of the boys that lived there, and Eddie felt a little sad that he never got the chance to have an experience like this. "He rushed to the store to get dessert, he'll be back in ten minutes."

"What are you cooking?" Eddie asked, his eyes flicking back to the kitchen and Stan smiled, moving his head to get Eddie to follow him. There were buffet bowls and plates spread across the kitchen and Stan reached down to the oven and pulled out some mini pizzas.

"Bill wanted to make you a nice welcome dinner, but we couldn't decide what to make, so he bought a whole bunch of your favourite foods and made a buffet," Stan explained, untying the apron and hanging it up. "Mike and Richie will be home a little later so you'll meet them then. I have to warn you about Richie though, he is uh, a bit of a trashmouth."

Eddie had heard all about Richie Tozier from Bill and he had even seen a few pictures of his roommate. Not that he would ever admit it to Bill, but Richie was quite attractive to Eddie, and the second he had laid his eyes on a picture of him, heat had pooled in his lower stomach. His cheeks flushed at the memory of how he had thought of that picture of Richie in the dark of his bedroom that night.

"You didn't have to do that," Eddie whispered, tucking some of his blond hair behind his ear. He was rather socially awkward when it came to meeting new people, but this was also why he was here, to push himself out of his comfort zone. "But thank you."

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