53. lips like fire

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by: yallreddieforthis


If there was one word to describe Richie Tozier as a teenager it would be stoner. Not to the point where they'd have to have an intervention or anything, he just liked to get high on weekends or before bed so he could relax his fast-moving mind. Some of his friends didn't approve (Stan. Stan didn't approve.) and sometimes Beverly or Mike would light up with him when they didn't have anything else to do. But then one night Richie decided to try and expand that group.

"Hey, I have an idea, guys..." Richie said all of a sudden as they were walking back from the quarry to Bill's house under a sky full of stars. There was a chorus of 'oh god's and 'what is it this time' around the group of seven and Richie rolled his eyes. "It's a fun idea, you dicks!" he says defensively. "Bill, your parents aren't home, right?" A sly smirk starts to spread across his lips.

"Is this a weird sex thing because if yes I can already answer: no." Eddie chirps up.

"No, not a sex thing... don't get me wrong, I'd love to bring Ben over here to bed," he teases as he ruffles a very red Ben's hair. "I just think... maybe we could try to do some group meditating?"

Mike immediately smiles to himself and lightly shakes his head at the ground because he knows exactly what Richie means by that. "That actually sounds nice...?" Stan says with clear confusion in his tone because Richie never suggests things so... tame.

"Thanks, Stan! Glad you're in, I thought I'd never be able to get you high."

"What?" Stan all but screeched.

"He's talking about all of us smoking weed together, Stan," Mike explains.

"Richie, my p-parents would k...k-kill me," Bill says sternly. "We cuh-can't make the whole p-p-place smell like weed."

"No! I've done this thousands of times! We can move some things around in your garage, bring that old couch in there, sit around in a circle and hotbox the place! If we leave it open overnight it'll air out in no time."

"Oh, so you're suggesting Bill gets robbed instead? We can't just leave his garage wide open, Richie!" Stan scolds.

"Guys, it really would be fine," Mike reassures.

"I'm with Richie too, it would be good for us to relax once in a while, and it's not a big deal. Everyone tries it at least once," Bev joins in and shrugs her shoulders.

"You guys can do whatever the hell you want, but I'm not doing it." Stan crosses his arms disapprovingly.

"Fine, you don't have to take any hits. You can just stand in the corner," Richie says with a serious expression and tries not to laugh when he sees Beverly giggling behind Stan because of course Stan wasn't aware that you could get high if they hotboxed a small space. Her suspicions were confirmed when Stan finally agrees with a hesitant nod.

"Are you guys forgetting something?" Eddie asks while sounding rather offended. They all look at each other as if they're trying to figure out what the small ball of rage could be upset about now. "I have fucking asthma! You guys are going to kill me!"

"You know I won't let anything happen to you, Eddie Spaghetti," Richie grins as he slings an arm around Eddie's shoulder.

"Jesus goddamn Christ..." Eddie mumbles under his breath.

About 30 minutes later once everything had been set up and Bill had called his parents to make absolutely sure they wouldn't be home tonight, they all sat down in a circle as planned (except Stan, of course, sitting alone on a stool in the far corner of the garage) and Richie whipped out a baggie with four rather fat joints in it.

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