69. lovely day

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by: rauqthetommo

When Richie woke up on Sunday morning, he was alone in bed. He exhaled deeply, laying his hand on Eddie's side of the bed. It was cold, meaning Eddie had been up for a while.

Richie sighed and rolled over onto Eddie's side of the bed, burying his face in Eddie's pillow. He smiled, inhaling the scent of Eddie's stupid fucking dandruff shampoo that he insisted on using, even though he didn't even have dandruff!

It's just incase! Eddie always said.

Not wanting to get up just yet, Richie slid his hand under his own pillow to pull out his cellphone. 9:56. Eddie had likely been out of bed for almost two hours.

He rolled onto his back, staring up at the plain white ceiling. The curtains were slightly closed, casting pretty patterns all along the walls and over the light fixture.

Downstairs, Richie could hear Eddie talking. He was also playing classical music, his way of calming himself down when he was too wound up.

Richie pushed himself up in bed, the silk sheets pooling in his lap as he raised his arms over his head to stretch. Eddie had left his inhaler on the bedside table, along with his watch. Richie picked up the inhaler and shook it, listening to the soft rattling inside the can. A sound that always made him smile, because it always made him think of Eddie.

A loud crash came from downstairs, followed by an annoyed "Fuck!" From Eddie. Richie smiled fondly, imaging Eddie dropping a plate or a pan and getting worked up over it. He absentmindedly turned his wedding ring around his finger, glancing across the room at the framed picture of them at their wedding, smashing cake into each other's faces.

It had been the happiest day of Richie's life, next to, of course, the day he'd asked Eddie to be his boyfriend, and the day that Eddie had proposed to him on the banks of the Kenduskeag.

Richie twisted around to crack his back before getting out of bed and crossing the room to Eddie's dresser. He opened it up and pulled out a pair of Eddie's boxers, slipping them on. He loved wearing Eddie's boxers even though Eddie always protested. I buy you the same ones I buy myself! He'd say.

I know. Richie would reply. But I like yours better.

Eddie had already picked up the clothes they'd discarded the night before when they'd gotten into bed, most likely starting a wash already, so Richie simply threw on an undershirt and his slippers, and pulled his robe on over top of his casual morning clothes, pocketing Eddie's inhaler and watch and heading downstairs.

Eddie was in the kitchen, already fully dressed and cooking. "Yes, I know." He said into his cellphone, smiling when he saw Richie in the doorway. "We might have some orange juice." Eddie told whoever he was talking to.

Richie held up Eddie's watch, raising his eyebrows.

Eddie nodded, holding out his wrist. "No, we definitely don't have any apricot juice." He said as Richie fastened his watch. "Honey, can you see if we have orange juice?" He covered the speaker on his phone for a second to talk to Richie.

"Sure," Richie nodded and opened the fridge, scanning its contents. "No." He shook his head.

"No, we don't have any orange juice, Bev." Eddie switched his phone to his left hand and used his right hand to flip a pancake on the stove. "Ok, that's fine." He nodded as if Bev could see him. "Alright, we'll see you soon. Bye." He slipped his phone into his pocket and smiled at Richie. "Hi,"

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