39. what are you doing in a place like this?

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by: wheezebraks


The simple fact that Eddie agreed to go on this date, should speak to how he is not in his right mind. But Beverly has been begging him for literal weeks about him going out on a date. Just one date! She would tell him. What can it hurt? And then she would casually remind him how long it's been since he's been out. It's true, Eddie can't deny it. He works al of the time. Working for a high profile legal firm means that he's got long hours. When he's asked (or told) to work later, he doesn't argue. He accepts it and dives in. When he's not working, he's fucking relaxing. And he reminds Beverly that having to worry about entertaining another man is not relaxing. Though Bev is sly, and she doesn't let up until Eddie is so tired that he accepts. And then regrets.

Thats how he ended up here, in some hole in the wall comedy club that's loud and — it actually has some weird smell to it that Eddie is definitely ignoring. This is not his kind of date. But, he had agreed and only then did his asshole best friend tell him that the dude had tickets to a comedy show. Great. Just his fucking scene.

Eddie is drinking water. Offering some excuse about having to work early the next morning and he didn't want to rick a migraine. This guy finally makes his way onto the stage and calls himself Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier. His date barely looks at him during the first bit.

The comedian is attractive, he'll give him that. Tall and broad shouldered, his curly, dark hair is pointing in every different direction, coke-bottle glasses resting on his nose that show off his chocolate brown eyes. He's built but he's got meat on his bones. Not like Eddie, who's small and scrawny.

The jokes are fucking stupid and Eddie is pretty sure he forgot one halfway though. Simply, he can count on one hand how many times he broke a smile. But he can't pull his gaze away from the man (and he understands why he calls himself trashmouth. Every other word is vile and wholly inappropriate.)

About forty five minutes pass before Richie Tozier has finished his set, and Eddie's never been more grateful for it. The clown that Bev set Eddie up with smiles at him.

"Want to take this back to my place?"

Eddie shifts in his seat and looks at the watch on his wrist, makes a face and shrugs, "Actually I should get home. Sorry. Maybe another —" he trails off before deciding on, "I'll see ya around." And he offers a forced smile and fucking bolts.

Unfortunately Eddie isn't a very luck man, and he's stopped before he even gets to the door, someone grabbing his wrist and pulling him off to the side. He's this close to losing his shit, even has his mouth open to protest, but then he sees the big eyes behind glasses and the dorky smile of the same damn comedian (he's cuter up close. Rugged. Bigger, somehow. God, Eddie's fucked.)

Eddie has to look up at him, and Richie's got a brow raised, eyes searching him, and this dorky smirk on his lips.

"Couldn't help but notice your weren't enjoying yourself out there. That frown made it look like you were being forced to be here -" Richie looks around him: his hands, back pockets, feet, "- but I don't see any handcuffs or chains."

His face heats up just from the gaze locked on his entire being. "I'm not a huge stand up comedy fan." He's honest, blatantly so.

It must catch the other man off guard because his grin falters and both brows raise. He opens his mouth, but Eddie interrupts, "your jokes were kind of-" this time, he's the one that looks Richie over. He doesn't look like type who would pick up random chicks and then make jokes at their expense. Kind of offensive, too. "- do you write your own shit? Looked like you suddenly couldn't remember one of your own bits."

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