42. bed dread

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by: tinyarmedtrex

"Finally! We're here." Eddie said as he pulled into a parking spot and had to resist slumping over the steering wheel. He was exhausted, the drive to the quaint town in upstate New York had been long and stressful and he was ready to collapse in a warm bed and sleep for days.

"You were right though, you shaved twenty minutes off what google said." Richie said, opening his door and spilling out.

Eddie couldn't help but grin as he got out of the car. "I told you I could."

"Yea, I don't think you needed to tailgate that old lady though."

"She was in the way." Eddie said, unconcerned. He turned, finally looking at their hotel. It was gorgeous, classic and understated, just like Stan and Mike. It was their wedding weekend and Eddie was sure that they had chosen the most remote place they could find to get married.  Stan had booked their rooms, promising that it would be up to Eddie's standard for cleanliness.

"You're a pint sized menace."

Eddie shrugged. "Let's go in. We're due at breakfast early tomorrow morning."

"A whole ass weekend of wedded bliss. It'll be great." Richie said, walking to the trunk of Eddie's car. Behind him Eddie nodded. He was already dreading a full weekend of wedding activities. Things kicked off tomorrow, Friday, morning and didn't end until Sunday. Eddie was happy for his friends but secretly felt like Stan had overdone it. He knew that Mike had agreed to whatever his fiancé wanted and was sure they were in for a well planned, if totally over the top, weekend.

"Aye aye captain." Richie grabbed both their bags and they headed in. They were the last ones in, Eddie hadn't been able to get the day off and Richie had offered to wait so they could drive in from New York together.

"Checking in. Tozier and Kaspbrak for the Hanlon-Uris wedding." Richie said as both leaned on the counter. Eddie's head fell comfortably to Richie's shoulder, letting him do the talking. One of the joys of being friends for so long was that they were completely comfortable together, to the point where outsiders usually assumed they were together. Normally it bothered Eddie but he was too tired to care right now. Richie's shoulder was comfortable and he didn't want to move. Richie's arm wrapped around his back, rubbing between his shoulder blades.

"Excellent. Welcome to The Rest Inn. Here are your room keys. You're in room 211. The hotel is fully booked with other wedding guests so I'm sure you'll run into people you know. Please enjoy your stay." The receptionist said, smiling up at them as he handed over two keys.

The men wordlessly accepted them, trudging up to their hotel room.

"I'm stripping down and sleeping." Richie said as he fiddled with the key. "Gimme a nightcap and I'll be out."

"I need a shower." Eddie said, wrinkling his nose. "I smell like rental car."

"Sexy." Richie opened the door to their room and flipped on a light. Then he stopped. It was so abrupt that Eddie ran into him.

"What the hell, Richie." He asked, stepping around his friend. "You could have broken my nose."

Eddie stopped as he saw the large queen bed -not the two doubles that they were promise- that took up the middle of the room. Richie seemed to have the same thought. He moved next to Eddie and glanced at him.

"I can ask about switching?" He offered.

"They're full." Eddie muttered, trying not to panic. He and Richie used to share a bed all the time in high school. Eddie would wake up curled against Richie, his arms wrapped around Richie and his head on Richie's shoulder. He and Richie had spent more nights together than apart, taking any small comfort they could in a hateful town.

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