37. how to unwind after track practice

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by: chucknovak


Richie: yo yo yooo Spaghetti-o we still studying tonight??

Eds: yeah, but do you mind if we move it to my room? I had my first practice of the season today and every muscle in my body is dead

Eds: and I'll let the spaghetti thing slide this time, but only bc you know the material better than I do

Richie: sounds like a plan spaghetti man (; ill see u in 10

Richie stuffed his books and laptop into his backpack and swung it over his shoulder before grabbing his keys and heading out of the door. He whistled to himself as he made the walk over to Eddie's dorm. It was early March, but it was an unusually warm day that teased at the oncoming spring. Richie thought it was cruel that he should be subjected to midterm studying on such a beautiful Saturday, but Eddie had insisted, and Richie was nothing if not an amazing friend (and tutor).

Eddie's door was open as usual, so Richie let himself in. His greeting caught in his throat at the sight in front of him. Eddie was lying on his back spread eagle, wearing nothing but his white running socks and his tiny red running shorts. His exposed chest still has a sheen of sweat across it, making it practically glow, and though Richie felt guilty about it, he couldn't help but find it incredibly hot.

"Riiich, I'm dying," Eddie whined. "I really should've gone to the gym more this winter."

"You look pretty good to me," Richie said, hoping he sounded enough like he was joking. Eddie rolled his eyes, but didn't move. Richie thought his face looked a bit red, but blamed it on the workout he'd just had. "Think you can muster up enough strength to draw a diagram of the brain?" Eddie groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes.

"If I move a single muscle I'll combust."

"You literally just moved your arm."

"Fuck off."

Richie smirked. And then he got an idea.

"Alright, well if you're gonna keep being a princess about this at least let me help you out," he said, dropping his bag by Eddie's desk and walking over to the bed. Eddie moved his arm, eyeing Richie with confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean let me give you a massage," Richie said. He realized how it sounded as the words left his mouth and decided to cover up any weird connotations with humor. "Loosen you up, get you feelin' like the spaghetti boy you are," he grinned. Eddie scoffed.

"I literally hate you."

"What do you say?" Eddie sat up slowly, eyeing Richie suspiciously.

"Okay," he said hesitantly after a moment. "But if you tickle me I'll kick your teeth in." Richie held up his hands in a gesture of innocence. Eddie shook his head and rolled onto his stomach. Richie kicked his shoes off and climbed onto the bed, straddling Eddie's hips. He stalled awkwardly, not knowing where he should sit in order to not make it weird. Richie had been in Eddie's bed plenty of times, especially since Eddie didn't have a roommate, but this was different somehow. This wasn't the same as resting their heads on each other's shoulders while watching a movie. Eddie was fucking under him, his shirt off and perky ass fully on display. Richie hadn't realized how sensual this would be. He decided to just stay on his knees, not sitting back as he placed his hands on Eddie's shoulders and started kneading into the muscle there. Eddie's head was resting on his arms, his face turned to the side so that Richie could see his profile. His eyes were closed, his eyelashes fanning across his cheeks. Richie smiled softly to himself as his friend sighed contentedly, the corner of his lips quirking up. Richie couldn't help it; he was thinking about his lips now, about how beautiful he looked when he smiled like that, about how happy he was that he'd done that.

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