60. take it or leave it

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by: warmkaspbrak


"It's weird that you don't cuss."

Eddie doesn't hear Richie the first time he says it, too absorbed into watching TV from his place on his shitty dorm bed. He lets out a quiet hum in response.

"I said it's weird that you don't cuss," Richie says, louder this time and that gets Eddie's attention. He glances at Richie, then smiles and says "It's not weird. Besides, I've cussed."

Richie sits up at that and he laughs playfully. "Oh, my bad," he drags out sarcastically. "You just played yourself, genius! You have cussed. Have. Like in the past. Now you don't anymore. And it's weird."

Eddie laughs too, then shrugs and dips his hand into the bowl of popcorn they made. "I just don't really feel the need to. It's like," he stops himself, thinking, "if you cuss too much it loses its power, y'know?"

Richie scoffs, then says, "Are you saying I'm lacking power because I say dirty words? I'll have you know that all of my childhood friend's parents' hated me because I had a mouth on me, and if that's not powerful, Eds; I don't know what is."

Eddie rolls his eyes. "I can say bad words if I wanted to!" Richie just crosses his arms and hums because he knows how competitive Eddie can be.

"Hell," Eddie says, and Richie gasps, his eyes widening with mock shock. "Edward Spaghetward, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

They both share a laugh, then sit in silence for a few moments and Eddie doesn't like the way that Richie is smiling.

"Okay, let's make a bet," he says and Eddie is about to cut him off with a 'shut up, Richie' when he says, "I bet I can make you say sooo many bad words." Eddie hates when they make bets, because deep down he knows that he'll always lose. But there's something about this bet that makes Eddie grin, and he sits up to match Richie's posture.

They're sitting across from each other now, legs dangling off their beds. "Alright, Mr. Tozier, name your price," Eddie says and Richie laughs in his stupid villain monologue voice. He leans in close, his eyebrows furrowed with a wide grin on his face.

"Read it and weep, Kaspbrak," Richie snickers.

"Q U I Z N O S"

As soon as the 'Q U' leaves Richie's mouth, Eddie's smile drops from his face. "No. Nope. Absolutely not."

"You said, and I quote 'name your price'. The price has been named, Eds."

"Richie I can't do Quiznos. Not after," he shudders, thinking about what they'd come to refer to as 'The Quiznos Poisoning of 2017, "last time. You remember how bad it ruined me."

He simply shrugs, pulling a face and pointing at Eddie. "I named my price. Stop being a fucking baby and name yours."

He ends up deciding that if he wins the bet, he gets to decide what they watch on their shared TV for the next month, and they shake on it.

The next morning, when the sun hasn't even risen yet and when Eddie is sound asleep tucked inside his cocoon of blankets, Richie lets out a random blood curdling scream, and Eddie snaps awake with a yell of his own.

"What! What! Richie, What?" He yells and Richie just smiles sweetly.

"Oh Eddie," he beams, "I bet you're so mad at me! Why don't you just," his smile gets impossibly wider and he leans back against the wall. "Let it all out."

Eddie wipes at his eyes, anger bubbling up in his throat. "Did you actually set an alarm so you could wake me up screaming?"

Richie nods, smiling, but Eddie isn't stupid. He knows what Richie is doing and won't fall for it, so he smiles too. His teeth almost hurt with how sweet it is. "That's ok," he says softly. "I'm glad you're waking up early now." He rolls back over in his bed, wrapping his blankets over his head and laughs to himself.

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