Chapter 4 - Scores

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Jayden's POV

Cher, Mitchel, Christian, Louis, Harry, Reece, Cody, Trent and I started talking tactics.

'Some of us should learn survival skills,' Cher began. 'And others should learn how to fight. We can then share our knowledge with each other and become stronger,' she finished, taking a deep breath.

'Mitchel and I will learn how to survive with you,' Christian said. Seriously, love in this arena is not going to work. Mitchel did not look happy with the direction Christian was heading in.

'Fine, but Harry and Louis should come as well,' she answered. 'I'll learn how to throw a knife, what about you four?'

'I'll learn how to wield a sword,' Christian said.

'Axe,' Mitchel muttered.

'Bow and arrow,' Louis contributed.

'Blowgun,' Harry said, winking at Cher. She looked disgusted as the rest of us digested what he said and all groaned. That guy was so disgusting.

'Trent, learn how to make a fire,' I said. 'Reece, learn what plants are edible. Cody, learn how to make snares and I'll learn how to create a shelter,' I finished as everyone looked at me in amazement. 'What?'

'Slick move,' Cher said, kissing me on the cheek. While her back was turned, Christian stared daggers at me. 'Lets go.' I went over to the shelter creating station and got to work using different materials.

Katy's POV

This was sick. Extremely sick. How could people watch us kill each other? I looked at all of the young adults here. At least half of us were under the age of 21. After working at the camouflage station, I went to use the last of my time learning to fish.

Harry's POV

The next morning, we were gathered in a room to take our final test and receive a score between 1 and 12 based on our skills. Bella Swan was going first as she was from Team One. She went off and after a while, Edward Cullen was summoned and he too headed off. After a while, the people in the room kept getting lower and lower in number. Then, after it was just Louis and I were left in the room, I was summoned.

'Good luck,' Louis said weakly, a small smile on his face. I nodded and went into the next room. The Gamemakers were all looking at me. I may have learnt to use a blowgun, however I was better with a knife after Cher showed me how to use one. I went to the selection, observing the varieties. I ended up choosing a 6 inch knife. I went towards the targets, feeling many eyes on my back. People were counting on me to get this right.

I grabbed the handle, closed my eyes for two seconds, then opened them, throwing the knife at the target. I watched it land on the nine, right next to the ten. I smiled; that was pretty good. I got the knife back out and went back to where I was originally standing. I turned away from it, then spun back around very quickly, chucking the knife once again at the target. It landed on the outskirts of the ten. I was cheering on the inside, but I didn't dare show it in front of them. I put the knife back on the stands ad went out of the room, smiling to myself.

Draco's POV

We were all ushered back into our rooms. Me and Granger sat no the couch, eagerly awaiting our results.

'Welcome to the very first Fandom Games and tonight we will be giving out the scores,' the presenter began. 'Firstly, Bella Swan - 1. Edward Cullen - 3. Selena Gomez - 6. Taylor Swift - 4. Justin Bieber - 9. Cher Loyd - 8. Sheldon Cooper - 3. Penny - 2. Christian Anthony - 6. Mitchel Cave - 10. Draco Malfoy - 5.' I was furious. How could Justin Bieber beat me. I grabbed the cushion, attempting to tear it into bits. 'Hermione Granger - 6. Jayden Sierra - 9. Trent Bell - 6. Katy Perry - 3. Lady Gaga - 3. Katniss Everdeen - 11. Peeta Mellark - 8. Reece Mastin - 4. Cody Simpson - 3. Dimitri Belikov - 6. Rose Hathaway - 7. Harry Styles - 12. Louis Tomlinson - 9.' she finsihed, smiling like a lunatic. Probably because she was a lunatic.

'How the hell can a pretty boy beat me?' I roared in fury. 'How can Harry Styles get a 12? He is so dead!'

Louis' POV

A nine! A nine was amazing! And Harry got a 12! He even bet the pro! We high-fived. Our group was great; we had pretty high scores, except Team Australia, but they were better at the survival skills.

'I got the highest score?' Harry asked, not believing it.

'Yes you did!' I cheered, tackling him with a hug. 'We're going to win!'


Author's Note: How do you think your favourite ranked? Please vote, fan and comment with who you want to win!
Edit: To all the people moaning about Harry getting a 12, especially compared to other people like Katniss, Peeta, Rose and Dimitri, leave it. This has been done for a reason. Just wait, it is explained later on in the series, I didn't do this because I love Harry (really, I love Dimitri and Rose more), just stop commenting this and keep reading to find out why. Thanks.

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