Chapter 11 - Fourth Fifth of Day Two in the Arena

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Harry's POV

The cannon went off as Jayden slumped to the ground. I just killed Jayden, one of my allies. Do I kill Cher to save Louis? This was hard. The girl I loved who didn't even notice or my best friend? I closed my eyes tightly; I couldn't do this. Everyone will hate me no matter what I choose. Louis or Cher? Louis or Cher? Louis or Cher? The question echoed throughout my mind, bouncing of the walls and doubling in size. I couldn't evade it. The more I thought about it, the harder it gets. And then I heard a scream. It was Louis. I left Cher, hoping she would understand. I went down the hill to see Louis where I had left him. He wasn't looking so good; he needed the antidote. And sooner rather than late. Something grabbed me from behind and pulled me on the sand.

'Well, well, well, if it isn't the other half of Larry Stylinson,' Christian teased. 'Cannot wait to kill both halves of it. I'm going to enjoy this Harry,' he said, putting a knife to my throat. 'I'd do what I say if I was you, otherwise you might just lose your head.' He put the sharp part of the knife against my throat gently and I felt something trickle down my neck and onto my shirt. My own blood.

'Will you listen to me?' he asked.

'Yes,' I replied, my voice shaking. Why did people like threatening me?

'You must become my ally. We'll find Draco,' he said with a twisted smile on his face. Oh shit!

Draco's POV

Selena and I walked hand in hand on the way to the oasis. Vultures circled overhead, some swooping close to us. Selena kept freaking out when they came near us.

'It's okay,' I said soothingly. She shivered and I put my arm around her waist. Another vulture swooped only a metre above our heads. Selena screamed, burying her head into my shoulder. I laughed.

'It's okay, they aren't coming to get you,' I said. One swooped and then another, coming closer and closer to us. A vulture swooped and it's beak grazed against her arm, bleeding instantly. Their beaks were razor sharp and their eyes looked thirsty.

'Run!' she screamed as they swooped, trying to get a meal. I followed her as she sprinted to the oasis, the vultures coming closer and closer. Another swooped, this time cutting my arm with it's razor beak. She ran even faster while I followed; she was too quick for me. She arrived at the oasis where Cher's dying body lay.

'Well, this gets interesting,' I muttered, hitting a bird that came too close. They saw Cher and a frenzy began. These were not normal vultures; something generated from the Capitol. Mutts, I heard. Christian came into view, a knife against Harry's throat.

'Harry,' she croaked. 'Harry, help me.' Christian laughed, a dark cruel sound with a smile on his face.

'Draco, Selena, you an item?' he asked us, curiosity hidden in his voice.

'Yes,' she said, snuggling into my side as another vulture came near her. She screamed into my shoulder as I swiped at the bird. It flew off; it wanted an easy meal. It's friends followed. She let her breath out.

'Hey Harry, being pale suits you,' I said, a smirk emerging on my face. He gave me a look and elbowed Christian in the stomach. He grunted, the knife moving from Harry's throat and he lunged forwards. I tackled him as Christian regained his breath. Harry struggled underneath me, but Selena tackled him also, adding her strength. He was no match.

'Thanks, allies?' Christian asked as I pulled Harry to his feet. Christian put his arm back around Harry's throat.

'Sure,' I responded. 'Need help with him? And why do you have him?' I asked.

'No, I'm fine. And I thought he was a good addition to the team. They have 3 people, 2 seriously injured and one missing. I think we have better odds.'

'What happens if he doesn't behave?'

'We kill Louis if he's still alive, if not, I'll kill him. What should we do about them?'

'We were planning to attack them tonight,' Selena answered. We all nodded in agreement and starting talking tactics while moving away from the oasis.

Cher's POV

My stomach was still bleeding like crazy. I pressed my hands on the wounds, using as much pressure as I could, which wasn't much. I was too weak. The group of four ignored me as they walked off to carry on with their plans. They were going to attack us! Where did Mitchel go? Why was Christian threatening Harry? Louis was still alive, but for how long? How long was I going to live for? The questions swam around my mind, not going away. I felt like I could drown in them. I would do anything to get away from this pain.

Louis' POV

I regained consciousness for about the third time today. I could hear footsteps walk away. Where was Harry going? Why was he leaving me to die? I started to cry, tears pouring down my cheeks and soaking into the sand. No, I need to be strong for Eleanor. I lifted my hand, which was shaking, and wiped away the tears. I'll do anything I can to live, to go back to Eleanor.

Mitchel's POV

I ran past the Cornucopia, seeing Katniss' body on the ground. The helicopter still hadn't picked her up yet. I saw a small needle half out of her pocket. Coral snake antidote, it read. This is what Louis needs. This is what Harry must have went off for. Cher was still badly injured, but a cannon had went off earlier. Was it Louis', Jayden's or Cher's? I ran faster, seeing Louis up ahead. I sighed in relief and went to see him. I didn't greet him, instead I pushed the needle into his thigh. He gasped in pain.

'What was that for?' he asked in horror.

'Antidote, Lou,' I said. 'Harry had left you only to try and get this off Katniss. He left you to help save you,' I added gently. His eyes drooped as the antidote worked its way through his body, fighting the venom. But which was going to win?


Author's Note: I know I said I would update this after 400 reads, but I can't update until Monday afternoon, so I thought giving you this early might be a good way to make up for the lack of uploading coming up. Do you think Louis will survive and what about Cher? Fan, vote and comment below!

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