Chapter 12 - The Remainder of Day Two

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Louis' POV

I woke up again for the dozenth time that day. It was really tiring. I swept the hair out of my eyes and shock spread through my body. I could move without pain. The antidote. The antidote worked. I smiled and Mitchel smiled in return.

'Glad your still here bro, but what happened to your side?' he asked, the smile retreating.

'Christian attacked me,' I replied.

'Christian? You sure?'

'Yeah, I think I know who attacked me. I was going to make sure Jayden and Cher were okay as they never returned and Christian stopped me. He is working with Selena, Draco and Harry now,' I answered, a tear rolling down my cheek.


'Yeah, it sounded like Christian was making him.' He leaned forward and pulled my shirt up, bandaging the wound. It was better than it looked. Night was beginning to fall.

'Come on, lets go to a cave; they won't find us there. I'll carry Cher,' he said, helping me to my feet. We walked to the oasis and he picked Cher up gingerly. Her eyes flew open and she screamed.

'Shh,' he muttered. 'It's just Louis and me, Mitchel.' She let her breath out.

'Louis?' she asked.

'Yeah?' I replied.

'We'll get Harry back.'

'I hope so.' A buzzing kind of noise interrupted our conversation and a voice appeared out of nowhere.

'Congratulations for still being alive. There has been a slight rule change demanded by the audience. The last two people at the end of the Fandom Games will be crowned the victors. Thank you and may the odds be ever in your favour,' his voice broke off and we were standing in amazement. I could win this with Harry! We didn't discuss this, but we were all thinking about it.

Mitchel and I walked while he carried Cher to a cave. It wasn't far from the oasis, but it was well hidden; I'd never noticed it before. We arrived and Mitchel carefully put Cher down, checking her wound.

'I'm going to need to clean it out,' he said. 'You'll be alright. I'm going to go and get some water.'

'Don't go by yourself; take Louis with you,' she said.

'We can't leave you unprotected,' he debated. She sighed.

'Be careful,' she said.

'I will,' he responded. I got some bandages ready as he was making his way out of the cave. Something light fell over him and that is when the chaos began.

Selena's POV

Mitchel had walked straight into our trap. Draco darted forward, stabbing him through the back and into the heart with his spear he had found at the Cornucopia. He fell limp and a cannon went off. Harry was standing back, staring at Louis who was staring at him. Cher was towards the back of the cave, visible only just with the full moon's light.

'Harry,' Louis said. 'Don't do this.'

'I have to,' he replied. I rolled my eyes.

'Save the love fest for later,' I said as Christian moved forwards, towards Louis.

'No!' Harry screamed jumping on Christian. Harry got his arms around him and he started to go purple.

'Selena!' Christian shouted with the last of his air. I looked away from him. This was it. I didn't need him to live. His experiment with Harry had back fired. Christian fell to the ground as his cannon went off. It was Draco and I against Louis and Cher.

Harry's POV

I got off of Christian's body. Louis beamed at me through his fear. It was great that he seemed to understand. Draco darted towards me and I moved backwards so he slammed into the cave wall. Cher was watching the fight with her big brown eyes. She looked so scared, biting the remains of her nails. He moved away from the wall, growling in fury. Louis chuckled and Selena sprang forward, faster than I thought she could, onto me. As we wrestled I could hear Louis and Draco fighting.

Louis' POV

Draco was on top of me. He wasn't that good of a fighter, but neither was I. I was still recovering from the snakebite and he had a wound in his thigh. It was an even match; we both had no weapons.

'Louis!' Cher shouted, throwing me a dagger. I flashed a smile at her and she returned a small one. I fainted to the left and he took the bait. I quickly went to the right, getting him straight in the heart. Selena's scream echoed through the cave.

'You'll pay for this,' she hissed, darting out into the night. I rushed to Harry who was limping. A cannon went off and Draco fell to the ground. Only Selena, Cher, Harry and I left. But what would happen when we killed her?

'You alright?' I asked him. He nodded.

'She bit me. She freaking bit me,' he exclaimed. I laughed and so did Cher.

'Oh, Hazza,' she said. 'You're strong, you'll live through it.' He narrowed his eyes at her.

'I'm going to sleep. Cher should as well,' I said, lying on the hard ground.

'I'll be sentry,' Harry said. 'Stay warm.'

'Will do,' I replied, falling asleep.

Cher's POV

'You alright Harry?' I asked.

'Well, she did bite me and all, but I'll live,' he answered. A cool wind blew through the hole and I shivered. He wrapped his arm around me. I started to think about Christian. Why did I kiss him? Pity, I guess. It was all an act thought and I can't believe I had fallen for it. I swore under my breath and Harry raise an eyebrow at me.

'Just thinking about Christian,' I said.

'Don't worry; he got what he deserved.'

'I was thinking about how I had kissed him,' I said, my cheeks burning. 'I feel like such an idiot!"

'Hey, you're not an idiot. You are so smart! We wouldn't be alive without you,' he complimented.

'I don't feel smart,' I mumbled.

'You are though, so deal with it.' I poked my tongue at him. 'Oh, real mature,' he said. 'Now go to sleep; tomorrow might be the last day that we live, so rest up. Selena will come back for us.'

'I wonder how she caught Justin and Draco in her trap? Her beauty, I guess,' I said, thinking out loud.

'She's not beautiful, you are,' he said leaning in. Just as our lips were about to touch, Louis made a loud noise and we jumped apart. His cheeks went red and mine went brighter. How was that  possible?

'Sleep well,' he said and I rested my head on his stomach. My eyes closed and I was instantly met with darkness.


Author's Note: Hey guys! Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it! I know I wasn't going to update this again before the weekend, but I can't update until Monday afternoon, so I thought I should give this to you because of that. Remember to fan, vote and comment saying the two people you want to win. Selena, Louis, Harry and Cher are left. Only a few more chapters to go, so I thank you once more for reading! Love everyone who reads this! <3

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