"Answer me anytime, dear. I'm a patient woman."
I sat in the chair next to Everly's bed completely stunned. I heard the question she asked me, but I was too shocked to even process an answer. I'm sure Jackson wouldn't have told her about us...right? Especially if she had a close relationship with Ryan. I doubt she would like that Ryan's soon-to-be wife is hooking up with his own brother.
I looked back at her. "How-- What made you ask that?"
She gave me a small smile as she explained, "Jackson called me when he arrived in Hawaii. He told me that he met a girl in the states."
"He told you it was me?" I asked, shock clearly on my face.
"No. He actually told me very little. But the fact that he told me anything made me believe this time was different." She seemed to think about her words before she continued, "He never had been in a relationship in all his life. He never even told me about any of the girls he-- spent time with. But he told me, the girl he met, was witty, beautiful, and kept him on his toes."
I couldn't hold back my smile when she said that. I remember the night on the beach when Jackson told me similar things about myself. I cleared my throat before I spoke again. "But, if he didn't tell you my name, how did you know it was me?"
"Darling, I saw the way he looked at you when you came in. He may not know it, you may not know it, but it's written all over his face. Besides," she said with a cheeky smile, "a real mother always knows."
I thought about what she said and tried everything I could to not wonder if it was true. I had my own concerns regarding my feelings for Jackson and whether or not he had any feelings for me. Our deal was, very simple and straightforward, no feelings.
I let out a deep breath. "I don't know what to say."
She stared at me for a moment before she cocked her head to the side with curiosity. "Harper, how well do you know Jackson?"
That was actually a pretty good question. I would like to think that I knew him extremely well. But beyond anything physical, he hasn't really shared much about his past or anything really personal. "To be honest, he hasn't told me much. I know that I can trust him and that he's a good guy. He's sweet and protective."
She smiled lovingly. "That sounds like him. The one thing I am proud of is that, like you said, he's a good man. I know that he will always do the right thing and has always tried to make the right choices. But he's also always been very private. He tends to keep everything inside."
Everly worried her bottom lip before she asked me, "Can I trust you not to repeat any of what I'm going to tell you to Jackson?"
The question worried me. But I couldn't stop my answer. "Yes, of course."
"I think the reason he is the way he is, and has led the type of life he has, is because of the relationship between me and his father. Has Ryan ever mentioned anything to you about that?"
"No," I answered honestly as I shook my head. "I didn't even know who Jackson was until Ryan introduced us at the engagement party."
She laughed under her breath. "That sounds about right. Ryan is two years older than Jackson. When Ryan was one, I meant his father in New York. I was going to school there on a student visa for nursing. He had divorced his wife and had custody of Ryan. We met, fell in love, two years later, Jackson was born. We were together until Jackson turned seven. Damian started staying out late and ignoring my calls. It wasn't long before I realized that he had started seeing his ex-wife again behind my back. We split up after that and shared custody of Jackson. Well, the boys had grown close, as brothers do."

One Night - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 1
RomantikCompleted | We've all been tempted by the forbidden... When Harper Lewis agreed to marry Ryan Hale to save her family's business, she wasn't expecting to never have an orgasm again. Sure, Ryan was handsome and an all-around good guy, but they lacked...