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"What's this for?" Jonah asked, sitting down at the table of the other 3 boys, "We aren't disbanding are we?"

"Zach thinks Corbyn is still alive." Jack said, shrugging, "But we don't know whether we should believe him or not."

"I'm telling you he is." Zach told the group, bringing up his camera roll on his phone, "I have evidence and everything."

"Explain it then." Jonah said, putting his phone down as they all closely listened to Zach.

"So, his funeral." Zach begun, "We weren't allowed to have the casket open even though everyone wanted it open, correct?"

The group nodded, glancing at each other confused as so far it was only one small bit of evidence when there could've been much more proof that he was dead.

"And before he died he liked and retweeted tweets about running away, refreshing and starting over your life." He continued, looking at the three boys who were now growing slightly suspicious of the situation.

"Well, no one does really know how he died." Jack said, shrugging slightly.

"So he could still be alive?" Jonah furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Zach as he nodded.

"Corbyn wouldn't make anyone go through that pain." Daniel said, "Not intentionally anyway."

"And that's why he might've faked his death." Zach pointed his fingers at Daniel, "To stop people from looking for him."

"No, not what I meant." Daniel interrupted him, his voice slightly stern, "He wouldn't make anyone go through that much pain while he's still alive. He's not the kind of guy to make someone hurt by something he did."

"So are you saying he died?" Jonah asked Daniel, who nodded and rolled his eyes at Zach.

"But, he did tell Jonah a few times that he was sick of being in the spotlight and wanted to live a normal life." Jack pointed out, scratching the back of his neck, "At least Jonah told me that anyway."

"Oh yeah, he said he wanted to experience not being the spotlight." Jonah said, shrugging, "But that was when he was having a bad day."

"But the liked tweets? Fans are coming up with conspiracies?" Zach mentioned, holding his hands up in defence, "He has to be alive. I'm sorry Daniel, but i'm convinced he's alive somewhere."

"His car is still on the driveway?" Daniel furrowed his eyebrows, pointing to the window thay was clearly displaying the driveway, "He couldn't have gone anywhere."

"Technically he could've got an uber or something." Jack shrugged, looking at Daniel, "Or a plane."

"But people would've recognised him." Daniel argued, putting his head in his hands, "If he was going to disappear like that he wouldn't want to be near anyone."

"He cant be anywhere else without people seeing him and telling someone." Jonah shrugged.

"See now you've just gone against what you were saying." The boy looked at Jonah as Jonah nodded his head slowly, admitting that he had gone against his point, "He couldn't go anywhere because people who know who he is."

"He has to be alive though." Zach told the group, his voice a little louder as he was now becoming frustrated with everyone coming up with different possibilities.

It had almost been two weeks without Corbyn and the band was doing a little better than they had been. There first song without Corbyn was released two days ago and had already hit number one in the charts, and the group was coping better than they thought.

The fans were already getting suspicions that he was still alive, and coming up with loads of theories that could be involved with the 'death' of the boy, but no one knew any actual information.

"He's not alive, Zach." Daniel told him, "Stop making up things, it's just your head messing with you."

"It's not my head messing with me." Zach replied, taken back by what Daniel had said, "If you're so overprotective of him why don't you go run away with him too."

"Zach-" Jack said, sighing and putting his palm to his forehead, "You don't mean that."

"He's insane." Daniel rolled his eyes, grabbing his phone and leaving the room.

"What an ass." Zach told Jonah and Jack, before he left the room too. Jack and Jonah looked at each and sighed.

Since the death, the band wasn't exactly getting on together and they knew that their friendship was slowly fading and they were growing apart from being so upset all the time.

They did consider a hiatus, but with the most successful year of the band just over they figured there would be almost no point, especially since they had so much new music to get out.

And although Zach was convinced Corbyn was alive, everyone else was almost positive he was dead, and that there was no use in looking for someone who has been dead for almost two weeks.


i might put this book on hold??
idk i might not i gotta think about it first

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