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"Remember curfew is midnight." Jason told Corbyn, handing him a glass of water as they waited for Kai to come down the stairs.

"Half past midnight?" Corbyn suggested, raising his eyebrows as Jason narrowed his eyes, before giving him a nod of the head and a slight smile.

Just upstairs from where the two of them were talking, sat Summer, Ebony and Kai. Kai was clearly nervous and Summer and Ebony were hyping her up while also finishing her hair, which didn't need much done to it except being slightly circled.

"I've heard what he has planned and it's very cute." Ebony said, a big grin on her face as Summer nodded, a smile on hers too, "It literally screams you."

"Now you've got a date to attend to." Summer said, grabbing her hand and pulling her down the stairs.

Once they reached the kitchen, interrupting the conversation already happening between Jason and Corbyn, everyone was glancing between each other, stuck in a loop of silence.

Jason gave his daughter a smile before giving another to Corbyn, "You better be going before your curfew is up."

"Right, we'll be going," Corbyn nodded, holding the front door open for Kai, "Half past midnight, got it."

The girl furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him as she walked out the door, "Half past?"

"Your dad likes me, it's not hard to convince him," Corbyn shrugged, putting his arm around her as they walked over to his car, "I got a house party to happen, half an hour won't kill us."

"You never know in this town." She raised her eyebrows as they both laughed slightly, getting into his car.

Once both of them were seated in the car, Corbyn began to drive just to the edge of town where the friend group had suggested a perfect spot for a perfect little date. Kai knew of the place, but they had made some new adjustments to it in order to make it feel more special to her.

As they arrived, Corbyn got out the car and held the door open for Kai, earning a thank you once she had gotten out. Hand in hand, they walked down the path to the secret spot, a few fairy lights leading the way.

"Before we get there I would like to give credit to your friend grou-"

"Our friend group." Kai corrected him, giving him a smile, "Our."

"I would like to give credit to our friend group." He repeated himself, correcting the small mistake that Kai followed him up on as they reached the destination of their date.

The place was surrounded by fairy lights all a dim white colour, wrapped around the few trees and across the trees was a few stretched our blankets to form a fort underneath it, which had various snacks laid out and a projector to watch a movie or two.

Kai's mouth was dropped open as she looked at Corbyn, "You did this?"

"With help, yes." He nodded, before being engulfed into a hug by the girl, "It's not much but they said you'd like it, and I love the idea of it too."

"I love it." Kai smiled, walking over to the set up and taking a seat on one of the many blankets laid out on the floor. Corbyn quickly joined her and the two of them decided on a film.

Throughout the movie, the two remained relatively quiet. Cuddled up together with a thick, fluffy blanket over them to keep them warm whilst the curfew was slowly creeping up on them.

After the movie had finished, they put some of the snacks into a bag and folded some of the blankets, before Kai took Corbyn's car keys out of the pocket of his jacket and ran towards the car, with the boy following behind her.

"Can you even drive?" Corbyn asked, watching her get into the car on the drivers side as he got in the passenger side.

Kai shrugged, starting the car up as she looked at him with a smile, "Not very well."

"Oh god." Corbyn raised his eyebrows, putting on his seatbelt as she drove to the other side of town, a smile on her face the whole journey there, "Where are we going?"

"You took me somewhere, so now i'm taking you somewhere," Kai said, parking the car and looking at him, "I promise it's nothing bad."

As he put his trust into the girl, they got out the car and she led him down another small path, leading to one big oak tree in the middle of a patch of grass. The pair got closer to the tree, and the detail of every mark engraved was shown on the tree, many initials engraved.

"That's my mom and my dads initials," Kai pointed out, then pointed to a few others, "Ebony and Noah's, Amanda and Tom's, Ella and Mason's."

"How long has this been up for?" He asked, admiring the tree as Kai shrugged.

"Longer than I've been born," Kai replied, folding her arms as she looked at the ground, picking up a sharp object and looking at him.

"No, no no." Corbyn shook his head, "We aren't engraving our initials on it, don't be crazy."

"Why not? We went on a date, I'm saying that counts." Kai shrugged, finding an empty space of the tree, "It can be like a summer fling thing, just not during the summer."

"A summer fling?" He let out a laugh, "Were you not wanting longer?"

"You never know how long you're going to be here for Corbyn." Kai glanced at him before handing him the sharp object, "Put a C there and then you can do the other side of the heart."

He nodded, engraving exactly what she had said, then smiling at the the two initials as Kai smiled too, placing a kiss on his cheek. The pair then made eye contact before Corbyn took the chance and leant in, giving her a soft kiss.

Kai was slightly taken back but soon kissed him back, both of them assuming it was going to be much more than just a 'summer fling' so long as nothing went wrong from where they were right at that moment.

authors note

ello how about that

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