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Making their way back to Kai's house, the group were all just as worried as the girl herself. With her phone in one hand and Corbyn's hand being gripped in the other, when they finally arrived she was the first to get out the car and run over to the house.

And as she opened the door, the house was quiet. Almost as if no one had been living there for the past so many years, all the lights were off and the only thing to be heard were the clocks around the house ticking.

"Dad?" Kai furrowed her eyebrows as she went to walk in, before being grabbed by Summer, "What?"

"What if it's a set up?" Summer asked as the other three glanced towards Corbyn, worried about him finally being found.

"What if my dad is hurt?" Kai replied as Summer let go of her, the group then following her around the house, each of them shouting Jason's name in hopes he'd reply.

After no reply and thoroughly searching the house to see no one was home, Kai made the fast walk over to Amanda's house where she then walked in there to see a worried look on her face.

"Kai honey," Amanda let out a sigh of relief as she rushed over to her, engulfing her in a hug as the girl looked at her confused, "Is Jason okay?"

"What do you mean?" She asked Amanda as the woman's face dropped, "Did something happen? Where is he? He called me but then didn't talk over the phone and then it hung up, what happened?"

"He was taken to the hospital," Amanda replied, her hands resting on Kai's shoulders, "We all thought you knew."

She shook her head as a worried look suddenly appeared on her face, her breathing becoming a little heavy as her friend group glanced at each other, all as worried as the person stood beside them.

Noah glanced at Corbyn and handed him his car keys before whispering to him, "She won't want all of us to come, so take her."

The boy nodded and thanked him before the group each comforted Kai and told her to keep them updated as they left, leaving her, Corbyn and Amanda together in the kitchen.

"Are you coming with us?" Kai asked Amanda, who was taken slightly by surprise at the question, "It's just that you're like a mom to me, I figured you'd want to know if he's okay."

"I'll come." Amanda gave the girl a soft smile before the three of them got into Noah's car and drove off to the hospital.

The drive wasn't that long considering the town was only small, it was quick to get from one side to the other and so driving didn't take as long as Corbyn thought it would, considering he didn't fully know the directions and had to ask Amanda for help.

Once they arrived there, the trio were quick to make their way inside and find out what had happened, before being given directions to Jason's room, which they did not hesitate to go find.

"What if he isn't okay? Anything could've happened and oh god I can't lose him because then who will I live with? He's like my best friend I can't lose him," Kai panicked as Corbyn placed his arm around the girl, placing a kiss on her head.

"Don't think of what could go wrong," Corbyn told her, "You won't lose him, alright?"

She nodded, finally reaching the room as the three walked in to see Jason laying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed and his body not seeming to move at all, which made Kai anxious quite quickly.

The three waited for a doctor to come into the room before Corbyn spoke up and asked them what had happened and how Jason was currently doing.

"We were told that he was with a group of friends and one of them accidentally knocked him off a cliff they were on into the water, where he hit his head quite bad," The doctor explained as Kai was slowly replaying the moment of how her mom had died, "But he should be okay, he just needs to be watched for a week or two and some damage might be done to his brain."

Letting out a sigh of relief, they all thanked the doctor as he then left the room again which caused Kai to look over at her dad.

"That exact thing happened to my mom." Kai spoke up, "Well not exactly but similar, she was on a cliff. It was probably that same cliff."

"Kai, he's gonna be okay," Amanda reassured her as Corbyn nodded, wrapping his arms around the girl, "You know you're dad, he's a tough guy."

"I'm just worried, I don't want to lose him." Kai said, shuffling closer to Corbyn as she let out another sigh.

"You won't, we can stay here as long as you want until he's better." Corbyn told her, gently stroking her arm as she nodded.

authors note

h a
corbyn has not been found

also corbyn's so cute to kai pls🥺

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