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With the house finally set up for the party and the pair of them finally ready, they both headed downstairs and greeted everyone thar was slowly arriving.

They had no set time for when the party was going to end, but they were determined to have a night they wouldn't forget and their friend group were all in for it too.

"So, Kai." Summer said, grabbing the girls arm, "Are you having any drinks tonight?"

"I don't know." Kai shrugged, looking at Corbyn, "Are you?"

He shrugged too and looked at the two of them, "If you are, I won't."

"Why can't you both just have a few drinks?" Summer asked them as Corbyn shook his head and Kai sighed.

"I'll have some." She gave Summer a small smile as the girl raised her eyebrows and nodded, running off to find Ebony as Ka turned back to face Corbyn.

Corbyn gave her a smile, that only faded slightly when more and more people arrived and Kai was beginning to have second thoughts about the idea of alcohol.

"Are you sure you want to have some?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as Kai nodded, "If you will, I'll stick to having water or lemonade or something. I'll look after you."

"But I want you to have fun." Kai folded her arms and looked up at him.

"I can have fun without alcohol." Corbyn let out a small laugh, holding out his hand, "Come on."

The girl took his hand and they walked through to the kitchen together where the rest of their friend group were and the pair scanned their eyes across the selection of drinks they had all spread out.

Kai wasn't so sure on half the drinks, considering she didn't know most of them as she wasn't one to even think about going near any sort of alcohol and mainly stuck to her water and juice, which was why she was slightly worried about tonight.

The party then began and drinks were being handed out and spread around the room like wildfires. Music was blasting through the house and people were quickly finding things to do and make fun to ease the night away.

"I think i've realised parties are not my thing." Kai told Corbyn, who looked at her and shook his head, taking her over to the cups.

"You need a drink, what do you like the look of?" Corbyn asked, putting his arm around her to keep her slightly protected.

"I don't know." She shrugged, "You pick something for me."

He nodded, pouring her a drink and then handing the cup to her. As the boy smiled, Kai took a sip of her drink and her nose crinkled before she got a proper taste of it.

"It tastes quite nice."

"I told you." Corbyn raised his eyebrows and got himself some lemonade before they went back off to their group.

Soon enough, one drink turned into four and Kai was getting a little more on the drunk side. Corbyn was closely watching her as the rest of the group were way more under the influence than she was.

"Hey, Corbyn." Ella walked over to the pair of them, giving Kai a disgusted look before smiling at the boy, "You look very good tonight."

"Oh, thank you."

"Do you want to come play a game with my group?" She asked him, grabbing his arm, "Do you work out?"

"Uh, yeah and I'll pass on the game, I don't want to leave Kai's side." Corbyn told her, pointing his thumb towards Kai who was staring at a wall.

Ella looked at her then turned back to Corbyn, "She looks fine to me, maybe we could even go find fun ourselves."

The boys shook his head and moved her hand off his arm, "I'm not leaving Kai's side."

"Suit yourself, city boy." Ella rolled her eyes and walked off back to her group as Corbyn turned back around to face Kai, who was still staring at the same wall.

"It's a cute wall." She tilted her head as the boy laughed slightly, grabbing her hand and taking her to the group.

Corbyn left her with the group while he went to the bathroom and to get himself a cup of water from the kitchen, trying to take as little time as possible in case anything went wrong. Ella was keeping an eye on the boy, desperately wanting to make a move on him.

When he went back to the group, Gavin was there holding up Kai and Noah was off chasing Summer again, "I leave you all for a few minutes and this happens."

"I'll take her." Corbyn said to Gavin, giving him a smile and picking up Kai before taking her upstairs to her own room.

The upstairs was a lot more quiet than downstairs as no one was upstairs, considering they weren't allowed to be.  The boy took Kai into her room and placed her down on her bed, putting a blanket over her and giving her a smile.

"Sleep?" Corbyn raised his eyebrows and placed his hands on his hips.

Kai looked at him and nodded, yawning but then giving him a smile, "I like you."

"We should go on a date," She continued, then laughed at herself, "I really like you."

Corbyn looked at her confused, then slowly nodded his head as he thought she was just making a joke out of it, and that she wouldn't actually mess with his feelings like that if she was sober.

"I'd date you." She nodded before rolling over, "I feel sick."

"Try get some sleep," Corbyn told her as she left the room, closing the door and letting out a sigh as he mumbled to himself, "I'd date you too, Kai."


it's been a hot minute since i've updated this

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