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"You have horses?" Corbyn asked her, following her across the field that was round the back of her house.

"You don't?" Kai looked back at him, a smile on her face before walking up to the two horses by the far end of the field, "We've had them for a while."

"You're full of surprises." He shook his head, slightly amazed as he smiled at the two horses.

"This is Pippin, my horse." Kai said, smiling at Pippin while stroking her before looking at the horse Corbyn was standing by, "That's Hobi."

"Hobi?" Corbyn looked at Kai, who nodded and smiled at the horse the boy was standing by.

"My moms horse. She named him after a member from bts." Kai sighed, watching Corbyn pull his phone out of his pocket, "bts is kind of mine and Gavins thing now, we aren't big fans of one direction and found bts instead."

"This horse has a personality dude." Corbyn
laughed, opening up the camera as taking a few selfies with Hobi, before he decided to try eat the chain around his neck, "Woah be careful."

Kai laughed and walked up to the two of them, taking Corbyn's phone out of his hand and spamming the camera roll with selfies of her, Hobi and Pippin.

He snatched it out of her hand and took it back, gently pushing her and putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?" Kai asked him.

"Hardly." Corbyn said, "I'm not a little town girl like you."

"Should I be offended by that?" Kai asked, tilting her head as she tried her hardest not to laugh.

"Well you're laughing so you're clearly not offended." Corbyn let out a laugh as Kai smiled, chucking a ball at him and rolling her eyes, "Remember what your dad said about messing around."

"Remember what your dad said about mes- shut up." Kai said, giving the horses their food as she walked back to the house with Corbyn following her, "I don't even want to be a little town girl."

"What do you mean?" Corbyn asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he caught up to the girl, going inside the house together.

Kai shrugged, sighing and laying down on the couch in the living room, "I want to experience the big cities, where everyone else is."

Jason was stood outside the living room, listening in on the conversation as that was what stopped in from walking in when his daughter mentioned the big cities. His face dropped when she mentioned it, because the thought of her not being safe and in his sight scared him.

"The big cities aren't what you see in the movies." Corbyn told her, sitting down beside where she was laying, "It's a lot different."

"But I know the town like the back of my hand. I want to experience something new." Kai said, grabbing a cushion and hugging it as Corbyn shook his head.

"Whenever your dad approves of it, I'll go with you." Corbyn smiled at her, patting her head jokingly, "But for now stay put, I know how dangerous it is."

"You can't go with me because no one knows you're alive." Kai sat up and turned to face him, "You have to stay put here."

"They're going to find out eventually." Corbyn shrugged, looking up at her, "When you're allowed is when you'll go."

Kai nodded, giving him a smile as she went silent for a moment, glancing at his lips and subtly zoning out before the boy changed the subject.

"Do you not have Instagram or anything?" Corbyn asked her, knocking her out of her thoughts.

"We have it, it's just very very private." Kai explained, grabbing her phone and showing him her profile,  "See I only have 71 followers."

Jason half smiled to himself, being glad that Corbyn was being mature and waiting for his approval, but he was also worried that he could become a bad influence on Kai. With Kai being the only person Jason had a very close and special connection to, he was positive that if he lost Kai he's pretty sure he'd lose a part of himself.

So, he had to be a bit more careful with what his daughter wanted to do and how far she'd go in the town. But he had to do it subtly, because it'd be the first set of rules she'd actually have.

As for Corbyn, he was trying to keep Kai in her town, because he knew that it was a much safer place than the outside world, and he didn't want Kai to get hurt or scarred from it.



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imzachherron: miss u space boy

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username: zach-

username: who's gonna tell him
↳ username: just let him be sad omg

seaveydaniel: he's proud of u
↳ username: i cry 🥺
imzachherron: he loves u
↳ username: i'm bye i'm crying

username: they rlly loved this boy :(((

username; stop this is so sad

jonahmarais: :(

username: just want corbyn back tbh

username: my heart is still broken

username: no one cares stop going on
about it
↳ username: wtf leave


hi sorry it's been a while
but i hope u enjoyed the chapter
oof i'll be back to my updating schedule
next week

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