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Just before midnight, sat on a blanket under the sky full of stars just outside of Kai's bedroom window, sat her and Corbyn, both wide awake and drawn into a deep conversation.

The had no reason to be up so late, it was just a matter of not being able to sleep and so disturbing each other's quiet time in order to hage some company, and they soon ended up outside of Kai's window.

"But if you think about it we're all constantly repeating our lives day after day." Corbyn shrugged, looking at her as she nodded, letting out a sigh.

"Which is stupid, don't you think?" Kai said, placing her hands on her stomach as she laid down, facing the stars, "I could be changing my life everyday but instead i'm just repeating it."

"Wouldn't you rather know what you're going to do each day, rather than being so scared of what could happen?" The boy asked her as he turned his head back to face the stars, laying down also.

"I'd rather it be a surprise than anything else, stuck in the same routine can get boring and overwhelming." Kai told him.

"And that is exactly why I faked my death." Corbyn sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

The girl nodded, not knowing what to say next considering she had never experienced something like that in her lifetime and didn't think she'd want to.

"Would you go back?" She quietly asked.

Corbyn slowly shook his head, not sure if he would or not because some aspects of it had totally put him against the idea of being well known, "I'm always going to miss something about it, but I don't think I could go back to the life i used to live."

"I just hope my bandmates are ok." Corbyn then whispered after answering her question, which was soon bought to her attention.

"Is there a bandmate you think isn't ok?"

"Daniel." Corbyn blurted out, a sad look appearing on his face, "I definitely was closest to him and I think if there was one person I told, it should've been him."

"You didn't tell anyone though, did you?" Kai asked.

"No, but I wish Daniel knew I wasn't actually dead." Corbyn replied, "Sometimes I do stay awake at night and just hope I haven't completely broke him."

"There are also sometimes where I consider going back home, to see family and my bandmates. But I have to remind myself why I did leave, and why I refuse to go back."

"What about your fans." Kai said.

"What about them?"

"They're missing you. Half of them are probably thinking you're still alive, just remember that you didn't only upset close ones but also people who have been supporting you through everything." Kai explained, looking at him as he sighed but nodded.

"That's why once I left LA i didn't know where to go, because I had fans in every state, so I kept driving and I came across this place that isn't even on the map." Corbyn raised his eyebrows, looking at her as they met eyes.

They stayed like that for a few seconds, in silence. Before Kai shifted her eyes towards his lips and then only a second later back to the stars, "I'd like to leave this town."

"Why? I love it here." Corbyn laughed slightly, before realising she was half serious about it, "I know everyone, everyone is friends with everyone, it's such a nice positive town."

"But I want to experience outside of this positive place. I want to experience a normal place, where not everyone is friends." Kai said, sitting up and bringing her knees up to her chest.

Corbyn copied her actions and sat up, folding his arms instead of bringing his knees up to his chest, letting out a sigh, "It's not safe, you really shouldn't leave here."

"Yeah you say that but I haven't experienced it and I want to, you say that because you have." Kai looked at him, letting out a small huff as she did so, "I just want to see what it's like."

The boy nodded, glancing around their surroundings before deciding that this was the perfect time to let her know what he said at the party the other night, "About the party the other night."

"No i'm not talking about it." Kai shook her head and got up, heading through her window back inside her room, shortly followed by the boy.

"Pleaseee." Corbyn whined, wrapping his arms around her from behind jokingly, "Its not all that bad."

"Get off me." Kai frowned, trying to get out of his grip as he started laughing, "Corbynn."

"I'm definitely telling you as soon as I can." Corbyn looked at her, raising his eyebrows and placing his hands on his hips.

Kai rolled her eyes and mimicked his actions, "I don't want to hear it."

"Is that so?"

"It's definitely so." She nodded, folding her arms before giving him a quick half hearted smile, "Now goodnight."

"Goodnight Kai."


me writing this: 🥺🥺

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