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"You mean you haven't told her yet?" Noah looked at Corbyn confused as he nodded and shrugged.

"She won't let me." Corbyn replied, folding his arms and looking around to make sure she wasn't listening, "I honestly don't think she'll take it well."

"But if she likes you then I'm sure she would," Noah raised his eyebrows, "Besides, she's stubborn like that. You just have to keep pushing until she gives up."

"What am I even supposed to say?" Corbyn asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he followed Noah around the church, before he started telling him countless scenarios, "Hey Kai I've basically been in love with you since I met you and I'd love to date you but you don't want me to tell you that."

Noah turned around to face him, shaking his head slowly as he let out a laugh, "Do not say that to her oh my god, she's a very sarcastic person, work with the sarcasm."

"Sarcasm is not my strong point." Corbyn raised his eyebrows, letting out a laugh, "Do I just ask her on a date?"

"Ask who on a date?" A familiar voice said to them and as the pair turned around, Kai was stood there with furrowed eyebrows, "Corbyn has a crush?"

Noah tried to hold back his laugh, but he could only managed three seconds before bursting it out and giving Corbyn a pat on the back before walking away. Kai shook her head at Noah but then looked at Corbyn, who had quickly grown nervous.

"Do your belt up tighter how many times do I have to tell you this." Kai rolled her eyes, changing the subject as the boy quickly nodded and did it up tighter as he was told, making sure he pants did not fall.

"Can we talk for a second?" Corbyn asked her, "Outside?"

"Amanda was just asking me to grab something round the back, but you can come with me and we can talk there if you want." Kai suggested. The boy nodded and followed her through to the back, giving a nervous thumbs up to Noah as he gave him one back.

"She can't even play twister why does she want me to get the game out," Kai mumbled, searching through the cupboard of games as Corbyn stood behind her.

"Are you free Tuesday?" Corbyn asked her, glancing around the room instead looking directly at her as the girl looked at him behind her shoulder.

"Yes, why?" She asked him, turning back towards the cupboard.

"Do you want to go on a date?" He scratched the back of his neck as Kai stopped looking through the cupboard for a minute as a smile started to appear on her face.

But the smile was quickly hidden when she turned back around the face him, trying her best not to show any sign of excitement as they made eye contact.

"Where would this date be?" She asked, folding her arms as he shrugged and smiled.

"No idea, but I can think of something between now and Tuesday." Corbyn shrugged as Kai nodded, grabbing the game of twister from the cupboard and closing the cupboard door.

"Better get to thinking then," Kai raised her eyebrows but gave him a smile, then placed a kiss on his cheek before walking back out to where Amanda was as Corbyn followed behind.

Once they both went separate ways again, Corbyn headed back over to the group, who were all anxiously waiting on the answer to the question he asked Kai.


"Is she your girlfriend?"

"What did she say?"

"I asked her on a date not to be my girlfriend." Corbyn laughed slightly as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "But she said yes to the date, I think."

"Told you," Noah said, folding his arms as he gave Corbyn a high five, "Just got to think of something original."

"I have a few ideas in mind."



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