Chapter 1

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My alarm went off for about the 10th time this morning and once again I hit the snooze button. "Emma. Stop letting that alarm go off and get your ass out of bed".  I hear my mothers voice yelling from downstairs. "YEAH. I'm up".   "Then get your ass up Emma, your gonna be late for your first day of classes".   "Mom I'm up. I'll be down in a minute". I roll over and lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. I grab my phone and shut the alarm off before it goes off again and I get yelled at. A few minutes later my phone rings and I see from the caller ID that it's my cousin and best friend Ruby. "Hey Rubes. What's up?"  "You ready for college Ems?"    "Never". I say with a laugh. "Well you better be ready in 45 minutes cause I'm coming to pick you up".  "Ok Rubes. I'm getting up now to go shower. Can you bring me a grilled plain bagel with some sausage and cheese? Please?"   "No egg right Em?  "Exactly. Thanks. And I wouldn't mind an ice coffee".  "Ugh.  You ask so much from me". She says with a laugh. "Thanks my bestie. Love you see you soon". I get up and go into my bathroom and take a shower. Of course I have my morning wood so I take care of business. Damn it feels good to.... release the mornings tension. When I'm done with my shower I dried off, get dressed and go downstairs. "Morning mom, morning dad".  They both smile at me and my dad says. "Good morning sweetie".  My mom asks. "Emma you want me to make you some breakfast before you leave?"  "No thanks mom. Ruby is bringing me a bagel sandwich when she picks me up".  Just then I hear a horn beep twice. I know it's Ruby. "Speak of the devil. I love you guys. Gotta go".  I grab my book bag and leave our apartment. I run up to Ruby's old red muscle car and get in the passenger seat. She tosses the bag with my breakfast sandwich at me and I see my ice coffee in the cup holder and I give Ruby a big smile. "Thanks Rubes. This just might get me through the first day of classes".  She laughs a bit as she drives towards the school. "Well I'm glad I could help. Don't worry to much Emma we are gonna kick ass".  With a mouth full of my sandwich I nod and mumble. "Yup".  I swallow the food in my mouth and say. "I'm glad we have a few classes together". We get there and walk in together. Before we parted ways we said we'd meet for lunch. I went to my first class which was English literature. I take a seat near the back of the room because that's where I like to be. It wasn't long before I heard heals clicking across the floor. I look up and see a gorgeous brunette in a sexy tight white button down blouse, a tight black pencil skirt with dark nylons that go all the way down to her fuck me heals. I feel like a young horny teenager when I look at her. I feel my dick twitching in my jeans. I whisper to myself.  "Oh fuck. Who is this?"  She walks over to the desk and puts a stack of papers on it plus a coffee cup I'm guessing. "Hello everyone. I'm Regina Mills. I will be your teacher for English literature this year. Let's go over some rules before we start. I expect that when I assign you to do something that it will be done to best of your ability. I want you all try your best and not just put words on paper. I want you to think about what you are doing. If you have a problem with an assignment you can come to me any time. I am always available. You can either see me here in this room or you can send me an email. I will do anything I can to help you all succeed. Does anyone have any questions".  The room is silent but I'm just fixated on this teacher.  She's so fucking sexy. Her eyes, her voice, those plump lips. Oh god that sexy scar on the right side of her top lip. I feel like I'm about to explode in my pants. I try to calm myself down and it works a little bit.
She goes over what we will be working on the next few weeks and it doesn't seem to difficult. After that class I have a few minutes before my next one starts so I go to the restroom and splash some cold water on my face. I go to my next few classes and all I can think about is Regina Mills. Finally I met Ruby for lunch and we talked about our day. When lunch was over we went to our last class of the day. Ruby and I were in the same class. We sat next to each other and in walks the goddesses. The class was creative writing. Ruby and I always did a great job of writing stories together, though that's not what I wanted to do with my life.  "Hello everyone I'm Regina Mills. I see I have a few familiar faces from my earlier classes, so welcome back". She goes over the same rules. Every word that comes out of her mouth turns me on. Fuck it's gonna be a long year.

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