Chapter 8

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I met Regina in the lobby of our hotel and we went into one of the clothing stores on the main floor. It was a nice store but way to dressy for me. "Look at these dresses they are absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could wear one of these to the wedding instead of the gown that Kat picked. What do you think Emma?"  "It's beautiful Regina but I'm not the dress wearing type. I hope you don't mind but I'd rather go with some dress pants and a button down shirt".  "No I don't mind at all. I just want you to be comfortable".  The sales woman came over to assist us and she found me a nice pair of black pants and a baby blue shirt that Regina loved because that was one of the wedding colors. I got a few pairs of black dress socks and a light dress jacket to wear to piece everything together. When I tried everything on Regina loved it. She even argued with me to let her pay for everything. "Emma please just let me buy these for you, after all you did pay for our wedding".  She says with a shy smile. "Ok since you put it that way. I guess it's only fair".  "Yes it is thank you".  I get dressed back into my other clothes and the woman assisting us took the shirt , pants and jacket into the back to get everything pressed and to have them put on a hanger and into a garment bag. We go to check out and it wasn't so expensive considering the type of store it was. The total was under 500 bucks. Regina then came up to my room so I could drop everything off and then we went for a late dinner together. To my surprise it wasn't  awkward. It was a lot like when we had dinner at Granny's. We told each other about our families and shared some holiday memories. After dinner we went into the lounge to have a few drinks. Nothing like last night, just something to relax us and definitely no shots. After we had been sitting at a table for a few hours talking and sipping our drinks, an obviously drunk guy walked up to our table and sits down uninvited. "Hello beautiful ladies. My name is Killian and you are?"   He holds his hand out to Regina. "Busy thank you. Goodbye now".  "Oh feisty I like that a lot. What about you blondie?"  "Not interested bye".  "Oh another one. You girls are sexy as hell. How about a dance doll?"  "He asks Regina and I'm starting to getting pissed off. "Listen pal thanks for coming over but we'd like to be alone. So have a nice night. Please leave now".   "Feisty and a bitch. Why don't you sit there and look pretty while I take this one and go dancing".  He grabs Regina's hand and I smack it away hard. I grab him by the shirt with both my fists. "Touch her again and I'll break every bone in your fucking hand. Do you understand me?"  "Pipe down bitch. I don't appreciate the attitude. Now chill the fuck out. Let's go beautiful". He grabs Regina and tries to pull her to stand up and I lose it. I stand and push him away from Regina. "Stay the fuck away from my wife".  I didn't mean to yell it out like I did but what's done is done. Security comes running over and they know Regina. She must come here often. "Miss Mills is everything alright?"   "No it's not. My wife and I were trying to have a drink when this...person came over and started harassing us. Could you escort him out of here please?"  "Yes ma'am, and congratulations on the marriage". Regina thanks them and they take the drunken idiot away. "I'm sorry I acted like that Regina. I'll get the tab and we can go".  I turn to walk to the bar but Regina stops me. "No wait. Please let's just finish our drinks".   "Regina I'm sorry I called you my wife in front of everyone and I'm sure you probably hate me for it and I don't blame you. I had no right to do that and I'm sorry. I'll pay the tab and just see you tomorrow for the wedding".   "No Emma please stay. I'm not upset at all. I'm still wearing my wedding ring and so are you. People would have eventually found out. Please stay and have another drink before we say goodnight".    "Are you sure?"   "Yes dear I am. I really like your company. Please stay".  I nod. "Ok I will but tell me when you've had enough of me".  She laughs a little. "I don't see how I could have enough of you Emma, I'm really starting to love spending time with you".  I smile and blush a bit. We sit back at our table and the waitress brings over fresh drinks for us on the house for all the trouble. We thanked her and we both took a sip of our drinks. "Emma do you mind if I ask you why you wanted to leave so soon after everything that happened with that idiot?"   "I guess I just figured that you would be upset with me for the way I handled all that. My first instinct was was to pull him away from you. If security hadn't come over I probably would have just started punching him. In all honesty it pissed me off the way he thought he could manhandle you. I really wanted to hurt him Regina".  "Well luckily it didn't come to that. I didn't want to bail my wife out of jail 24 hours after we got married ".  She laughed and I had to follow along with her. "Regina what are we gonna do?"  "What do you mean".  "Just tell me, should I be hopeful that we can get to know each other better and things can work out or should I just forget it and chalk this up to a vacation mishap?"   "Emma I don't know what's going to happen when we figure things out but I do like spending time with you. So can we please just relax and have this drink?"   "Sure ok Regina but can we talk while we drink these?"   "Ok go for it".  "If you decide that you would like to pursue a relationship what do I have to do to transfer out of your classes?"   "So you don't want me to be your teacher anymore?"   "I definitely don't want to leave your classes but I'd rather see where this could take us. Not only are you very beautiful but I completely respect you Regina. Right from the first conversation we had you just seemed so understanding like no one else has ever done for me. So after the wedding tomorrow if you want to end what we did last night I will understand. I know I'm a lot to deal with being the way I am but I just want you to be happy no matter what".  Her eyes are watery. "God damn it Emma". She gets up and goes to the bar. She paid the bill and comes back and grabs me by the hand. "Let's go Emma. Now".  I let her lead me out and we get on the elevator. "Where are we going?"   "Shut up Emma. I mean it".  I do as I'm told. I've never seen her pissed off before. It's kinda scary. We get off the elevator on her floor and she takes my hand again and we go to her room. Once inside she slams the door closed. "Miss Swan if things will ever work out for us you definitely need to have more self esteem".  I sit on the couch in her room and say. "Regina I don't know how. I've never felt like I was worthy enough for anything or anyone".  She comes to sit next to me and holds my hands.  "You are worthy Emma, in every way possible. You have already been through so many obstacles in your life and you still find a reason to go on every day. In the little time we've known each other all you have ever been was  caring to everyone without ever asking for anything in return. You are so wonderful Emma I wish you could just see that".  She gives me a shy looking smile and leans in to give me a gentle kiss.  "Thank you Regina that means a lot coming from you. I'll try harder to think better of myself".   "Good, now would you like a night cap before we get some sleep? Tomorrow could be a long day. We have to be at wedding for noon tomorrow to get ready".   "Sure, I think one more will be ok".  We both had a glass of wine and talked a little then it was time to call it a night. We both stand up and Regina walks me to the door.  "Are you ok with meeting in the lobby at 11:30 in the morning and then we can ride together over to the country club".  "Yeah that seems fine. Goodnight Regina".  "Goodnight Emma".  She leans in to give me a kiss and I leave her room. I leave and go down to my room.

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