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I don't notice where the guard is taking me until I find myself back in my room, I'm so preoccupied with what Janson said.

My mother? I don't even know what my mother looked like, so how does he? I'm angry, the guy's a complete asshole.

I sit down on my bed, rubbing my forehead then pulling my hand back; the cut Gally gave me in the Maze is still sore. I groan, flopping over onto my back. I don't even bother to undo my shoes, I'm so tired. The bed is uncomfortable, but I'm used to sleeping on the ground, so I don't mind it.

I miss Newt, and not just Newt, the others too. It's weird being a completely silent room by myself, I'm used to other people snoring, and Newt sleeping next to me. I even miss the Griever sounds. Eventually, I do manage to drift off, though I sleep lightly.

Morning is announced by sunlight streaming through my window and a guard telling me to get up. He or she passes me a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste, then goes to wait outside the door.

I can't see any sink, so I end up just using the shower. It's ok, water is water.

The guard escorts me down twisting hallways and through doors that all look the same, I doubt that I'd ever be able to remember the way we came. Everything is white, sterile, in a cold, unfriendly manner. It makes me shiver.

Eventually we reach a door that isn't white, and the guard opens it, letting me into a huge room full of tables, each one full of kids ranging from about twelve to eighteen. I stand still, scanning the room for anyone I know when someone barrels into me from the side, knocking the wind from my lungs.

"What-?" I splutter, struggling to get away from my assailant. "Minho!" I shout, a huge grin breaking over my face. I hug him tight, then pull back, looking around. "Where's everyone else?"

"Newt, Thomas, Winston and Frypan are over there," he points to a table in the corner, "but we got split up and haven't seen anyone else. Where's Teresa?"

"I have no idea, they split us up too. Shuck, it's good to see you!"

"You too, shoulda seen Newt last night. Didn't let anyone sleep a wink with all his pacing and worrying."

I laugh, following him over to the table where the others are sitting.

I slide in beside Newt, placing an arm around his shoulders. He looks up, a relieved smile breaking over his face like sun coming out from behind a cloud.

"(Y/N), bloody hell we were worried!" he says, looking at me like he can't believe his eyes. I spread my arms.

"Well, I'm here now and I'm fine."

"Yeah," He says, putting a hand around the back of my head and kissing me. I kiss him back, one hand cupping his cheek gently, our lips moving perfectly in sync.

"That's disgusting. Quit making out you two, we're trying to eat breakfast!" Someone, it might be Frypan, grumbles loudly but we ignore him. I draw back for a breath of air, then kiss Newt again, my hand tangling in his soft hair.

Finally, we break apart, slightly breathless.

"You done there?" Winston asks, a slightly disgusted look on his face.

I look at Newt.

"Nope," I say, then kiss him again, just for good measure.

"Revolting." Minho mutters, "absolutely sickening. I think I'm gonna puke."

"Deal with it man," Newt tells him "you've seen worse." Minho goes red, clearly remembering the time he walked in on us making out in the bathroom.

WICKED games 2 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now