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I wake to bright, glaring sunlight and dry heat.

I look around, everyone else is still sleeping. Newt's head rests on my chest, my arm around his shoulders. Careful not to wake him, I shift to a slightly more comfortable position.

The Cranks.

I stiffen up, looking around again. Nothing. I strain my ears. Again, nothing.

"Awake, (Y/N)?" I turn carefully, raising a finger to my lips, then pointing at Newt. Minho nods, silently.

On the side that isn't taken up by Newt, Winston is also still asleep, spots of blood and black stuff on the hastily applied bandage around his stomach.

I watch a crow pecking at a pile of garbage, Minho shuffling around to sit beside me.

"Hey!" Thomas shouts, sitting up, "Hey, get outta here!"

The crow flaps away and the others wake up, rubbing their eyes and looking around. Newt sits up, putting a hand to the back of his neck. He leans back against the wall, watching Thomas stand.

"Think they're gone?" He asks.

"Yeah," Thomas picks up his pack, "let's get moving."

I get up and stretch. My back is as stiff as a board.

"Fry, Winston, come on." Thomas says, already walking out from under our shelter.

Frypan jumps up, but Winston takes a little longer. He groans, then falls back down, breathing heavily.

"You ok, man?" Frypan extends a hand, and Winston clasps it gratefully.

We get going, climbing out of the dip we were sleeping in and up over huge crumbling block of concrete. When we reach the top, my jaw drops in amazement.

The shells of giant skyscrapers line the streets, ruins of cars and buildings everywhere. The wind whistles through holes in the frames of the huge structures, creating an unearthly soundtrack. Everything is buried in sand, massive piles of it heaped at the base of the buildings. Streetlights stick up from the stuff every few metres, looking odd and displaced. It's incredible, in a tragic, horrifying sort of way.

We take in the destruction as we walk, marvelling at the scale of everything.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan wonders, craning to look up at the skeleton of a high-rise.

"I dunno," Newt says, "but it looks like no one's been here in a long time."

"Hope the whole world's not like this." Aris says.

"Woah, woah, woah, hang on stop." We turn to face Thomas, who's frowning at the ground. "You hear that?"

We listen, standing stock still. There it is, the whirring of helicopter blades.

"Everybody get down!" I yell, "Hide! Hide now!" I shove Newt under a concrete beam, grabbing Aris and pulling him after me. "In here, come on!"

The others follow, crouching in the shadow, listening.

The helicopter is coming closer. I look up, squinting.

Overhead, two helicopters and some other vehicle whir overhead.

"Shit," whispers Newt beside me, watching them fly past.

"They're never gonna stop looking for us, are they?" Minho says. Nobody answers. Thomas gets up, leading us onwards.

"Everyone good?" Thomas turns at the top of a mound of crumbled construction concrete. Honestly at this point I might as well make him the leader, he's doing a better job than me. We keep climbing.

WICKED games 2 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now