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^This gif... *chef's kiss*

*three days later*

I sit next to Newt, watching Teresa and Thomas.

"Thomas," she says softly, and he opens his eyes. "Hi," she smiles. "We have to stop meeting like this."

"Welcome back you ugly shank," Minho bends over Teresa's shoulder. Thomas puts a hand up to his head, then sits up, groaning.

"Talk," Jorge shouts at Marcus, "Talk you son of a bitch!" he throws a punch, hitting Marcus square in his already quite bashed-up face.

"I'm sorry," says the guy, "you are going to have to leave my house."

After the building exploded, we made our way straight here, running into some rather horrific "full-turned" Cranks. It took us a while, and by the time we arrived Brenda and Thomas were passed out on the floor, high off their asses on some drug.

"Looks like you've been having fun," Newt remarks, eyeing the stains on Thomas's shirt.

"Listen," Jorge steps back from Marcus, "I don't enjoy hurting you. Ok?"

"Could have fooled me," I mutter under my breath. There's no sport in punching someone tied to a chair.

"Where is the Right Arm, Marcus." Jorge asks.

"Wait this is Marcus?" Thomas interrupts, gesturing at the almost unconscious prisoner. Marcus laughs.

"He catches on quick," his head lolls, "are you the brains of the operation?"

Jorge reaches forward and grabs his hair, forcing Marcus to look at him.

"I know you know where they're hiding." He says. "So, you can tell me, and I'll make you a deal. You can come with us." Marcus seems to find this hilarious.

"I burned that bridge a long time ago," he swallows, "Besides. I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me never miss an opportunity."

"What's he talking about?" Newt frowns.

"I'm talking about supply and demand." Marcus says, "WICKED wants all the immunes they can get. I help provide them for them. So, I lure the kids in, they get drunk, have a good time. Then later, WICKED comes in. We separate the wheat from the chaff." He laughs again, blood dripping from a split lip.

"I changed my mind, hermano," Jorge says, his voice low and dangerous. "I do enjoy hurting you." He draws back a foot, kicking Marcus so hard the chair skids a couple of metres across the room before falling. Pulling a gun, Jorge advances on Marcus.

I get up, curious to see where it goes.

"Talk!" Jorge presses the barrel to Marcus's head, the other man choking.

"Ok, ok, Jesus!" he says, "But I'm not making any promises. These guys like to move around." Jorge pulls Marcus back upright, glowering at him.

"They have an outpost, in the mountains." Marcus says, "but it's a long way away. You're gonna have WICKED on your ass, you're never gonna make it." He laughs again, gurgling.

"Not on foot." Jorge grins, clapping Marcus's shoulders. "Where's Bertha?"

"Bertha?" I whisper, and Newt shakes his head.

"Not Bertha," Marcus says, but Jorge pays him no attention.

Bertha, as it turns out, is an old blue ute, bull horns strapped to its front.

It's squishy with nine of us, but we make it work.

Newt rides shotgun with Jorge at the wheel, and rest of us have to sit on each other's laps in the back seat. Teresa sits on Thomas's lap, Frypan on Minho, Brenda on top of me, and Aris curled between our legs in the middle, since he's the smallest. It's not so bad, Brenda's pretty light.

In the front, Newt smiles back at us, the first genuine, happy smile I've seen in a long time. It makes my heart soar.

Soon, we're driving through the mountains, rocky cliffs rising to one side of the road and falling into nothing on the other.

Suddenly, the car stops, and Jorge gets out the rest of us following. I can see why we stopped.

Up ahead, there are the abandoned shells of old cars, nose to bumper in front of a tunnel. A caved in tunnel.

"Well," says Jorge, "I guess we're on foot."

We walk through the cars, trailing our fingers through dust and checking inside.

Newt bends through a window, running his finger across a bullet hole in the glass. I look up, wondering what happened to the people.

Just then, a gunshot cracks through the air, bullet hitting the windscreen next to Newt's hand.

He ducks behind the car, grabbing my hand and pulling me down with him.

"Get down!" he shouts as more shots ring out, echoing in the valleys. They stop.

"Is everyone ok up there?" Thomas yells, and we both call back, Brenda, Teresa, and Aris doing the same a few cars in front of us.

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newts shouts, but nobody answers.

I peak around the corner of the car, looking along the ridgeline of the mountain. Instantly a bullet hits the tail light, and I jump back.

"Woah," I say, panting.

"What do we do?" Thomas calls, no answer from anyone. After a few seconds, Jorge calls out out to us.

"Everybody!" he yells, "Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold you ears!"

I look across at Newt, holding his gaze.

"What?" I whisper, and he shrugs.

"Drop it." the cold voice comes from where Jorge and Thomas are. "Now!" the new person says, and I hear a gun being loaded. "I said drop it!" she shouts. "On your feet," she orders, "Let's go."

I hear footsteps, then another voice. "Come on, you too as well!" I look up to see a blonde girl with a scarf covering her face pointing a gun at me. Slowly, I rise, my hands in the air. "Nobody move."

Across the road, a girl with dark dreadlocks and a similar face scarf is holding the others at gunpoint.

"Aris?" she asks, lowering her gun and looking at him. She pulls her mask down and he gasps, stepping forwards.

"Oh my god," he says, "Harriet?" they hug, and Harriet drops her gun.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asks, pulling back.

"Sonya?" He asks, turning to the blonde girl who pulls her own scarf down, hugging him too.

"Aris you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass!"

I meet Minho's eyes, then look at Newt. Neither of them look like they have any more idea of the situation than me.

"Er..." Minho says, "what's happening?"

"We were in the Maze together." Aris explains, smiling. Harriet raises her hand to her mouth, letting out a piercing whistle.

"We're clear guys, come on out!" she yells, and we look around to see people standing up on the ridges, guns by their sides.

Sonya and Harriet lead us through the tunnel to where people are packing up trucks and driving off.

"Wait," Thomas says, "how did you guys get here?"

"The Right Arm got us out," says Harriet, not breaking stride.

"The Right Arm," I say, "do you know where they are?" Harriet just smiles, opening a car door.

"Hop in."

WICKED games 2 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now