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We keep looking around, it's actually really creepy.

At one point, we find Teresa and stick with her, she has a few torches and box of matches.

I'm sitting on a pile of bedding, tearing up sheets to carry our stuff in when Teresa gasps.

"You alright?" Newt asks, looking up from the pack he's rifling through.

"I'm fine." she says, a little shaken up. I wonder what she found.

I keep tearing sheets, bundling them up when I think I have enough and going over to Newt, who has since been joined by Frypan.

I notice that Frypan is looking in an old wall mirror, though it's to high for him to see his face. In it, Teresa is reflected, pulling a blue shirt over her head. Newt guides Frypan's gaze back to the task at hand, giving him a pointed look.

"What?" he asks, getting back to the pack in front of him.

Suddenly, all the lights in the building flick on, casting a weird orange-ish glow over everything.

A piercing scream rings from the direction Minho and Thomas took. Instinctively, I reach for Newt, accidentally putting my hand on his hip.

"Sorry," I mutter, moving my hand.

"It's fine," he says distractedly, looking around.

The scream comes again, joined by choking moans and clanks.

"What the hell..." Frypan says, just as Teresa runs around the corner, flashlight in hand. I shine my own light around, but can't see anything. I can only hear screams and clanks, Thomas and Minho's shouts carrying towards us.

Newt picks up a sledgehammer from a nearby pile of tools, tossing me a tomahawk.

"Thanks," I catch it, instantly feeling safer.

Aris and Winston join us, and Newt slings the pack over his shoulder.

"What's going on?" Aris asks nervously, but is answered by Minho, racing around the corner, Thomas beside him.

"Get out of here! Go!" He screams, and behind him I see other figures, running with jerky, unbalanced steps. They're the ones making the hideous roars and moans, screams and clanking sounds we could hear.

"Shit-" Newt backs away, breaking into a limping run. I grab his hand, pulling his along with me. I pray to whatever forces are looking out for us that he'll be fast enough.

Thomas and Minho catch up, still shouting at us to run.

"Thomas! Minho!" I yell, "What the hell are those things!"

"I don't know!" Minho shouts beside me, "Just keep running!"

We come to an escalator, though it isn't working. I take the stairs two at a time, the things behind us gaining anyway.

We get to the top, skidding around a corner. I almost crash into Teresa's back, she's stopped. Up ahead, one of the creatures is standing, black fluid dripping from its face.

"Cranks," I whisper as Thomas charges at it, swinging a large pole into its legs. It falls, writhing on the floor, and we back away, down onto the escalator.

They're coming at us from all directions now, still making horrible sounds. I think I want to be sick.

I kick one in the chest, but it just comes back. Lucky, I have a weapon. I slam the tomahawk into its skull, quickly pulling free and chopping at another. I feel a hand grab my ankle, the grip cold and strong. I scream.

Newt smashes his sledge hammer down on its wrist, breaking the bone. The Crank relaxes its grip, but keeps coming. I kick it in the face, feeling a crunch as its nose breaks.

"They just don't die!" I scream, kicking again and again. Finally, it stops, and Minho grabs my hand, pulling me up the escalator steps. I chop at a Crank attacking Newt, yelling at him to hurry up.

We reach the top for the second time, running frantically along the walkway. I pull my hand out of Minho's, I'll be able to fight better by myself.

Newt's limp isn't helping him, he's starting to fall behind.

"Come on, Newt!" I shriek, glancing behind me. A Crank bursts through the wall, tackling him to the ground. I skid, turning around and running back to him. He's holding it off, but with both hands, meaning he can't fight it.

I yell, kicking the thing in the side, giving Newt a chance to throw it off himself, sending it over the edge of the walkway.

"You good?" I shout, grabbing him by the hand and yanking him to his feet.

"Yeah, thanks." He pulls me with him, running to catch up with the rest of the group.

Up ahead, the others are swinging through a doorway in the wall, Minho yelling at us to keep running, as if we'd stop with the army of Cranks on our tails.

"Guys where are we going?" Winston asks, but nobody gives him an answer.

"Keep running!" Teresa shout, "Go! Go!"

The Cranks are coming through the doorway behind us. For some reason, the group up ahead has stopped, and I crash into them, pushing them forwards and letting go of Newt.

"Keep going! Run!" I scream, looking back at the Cranks behind us. They do, although only a few metres.

There's a door in the wall, but it's locked.

"Open it!" Thomas yells, "Minho! Help me!"

I curse, we're not going to get it open in time. I ready my tomahawk, Newt his sledgehammer. We're the last in the group, so we'll be the first to get hit by the Cranks. Suddenly, Winston pushes between us, a gun in his hand. I lost my blaster somewhere along the way, or I definitely would have used it by now.

"I'll hold them back!" he shouts, firing into the crowd, "You get the door!" Shots ring out, adding a new overtone to cacophony of screams, yells, banging, and moans.

Minho charges at the door, and finally it breaks open. We flood inside, Minho ready to slam the door shut.

Just as Winston is following us in, a Crank grabs his ankle, and he falls. I take on of his arms, Thomas the other and we pull, trying to get him inside. The Cranks shriek and howl, tearing at Winston's exposed stomach. I wince, giving a final tug and pulling him through the door.

"Go, (Y/N), go!" Minho yells, slamming the door. but it won't shut, the Cranks are keeping it open. I take one of Winston's arms, slinging it over my shoulder and Newt grabs the other, Thomas staying back with Minho to hold the door.

We half drag Winston, trying to be as fast as we can, Minho and Thomas giving us a head start on the Cranks.

We keep going, eventually Minho and Thomas catch up with us, taking Winston. We all run, through the building until we get to where we came in, the distant sounds of the Cranks following us.

We hide beneath a piece of what I think used to be a shed of some kind, huddled together in the darkness.

"Shhh," Minho whispers, his breath tickling the back of my neck. I wouldn't dream of making a sound.

WICKED games 2 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now