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That night, we have a fire.

It's cold, so I chuck another log onto the small pile, the little fire growing just a bit. I shiver.

Newt unzips his jacked, wrapping his arms around me from behind, his warm chest pressed against my back.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho voices what's on everyone's minds, tossing the stick he's been snapping into the fire.

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa says. I stay quiet.

"(Y/N)?" Thomas asks, I guess something must have shown on my face.

"Something Janson said," I begin, "when he talked to me."

"What was it?" Aris asks.

"He said "not all of you are immune to the Flare" but I thought he was just bluffing." I sigh, "Guess he wasn't."

"Do you know if there was anyone else?" Minho turns to look at me, a new stick in hand.

I shake my head.

"If Winston can get infected," Newt says, "we should assume so can the rest of us."

"I never thought I'd say it," Frypan has tears running down his cheek, "but I miss the Glade."

No one says anything after that, we just gradually lie down and go to sleep.

Newt's arm sliding out from under my shoulders is what wakes me. I open my eyes, covering my face with a hand.

"Sorry, love," Newt says, "didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's fine," I mumble, sitting up.

We eat in silence, there's some slightly stale dried fruit in zip lock bags in the packs we took, which is lucky. The others gradually wake up, eat, and grab their things, then we head out.

We walk all day. The mountains don't seem to be getting any closer, and the water bottles we had ran out mid-morning. The sun beats down on us, relentless and fierce.

By the time night falls, we're all thoroughly burnt and dehydrated.

I flop onto the ground, swing my pack of my back and placing it next to me, the others doing the same.

I kiss Newt's cheek and he squeezes me closer. I close my eyes, I can feel that sleep will come easily.

"Guys!" Thomas's voice wakes me, and I sit up. "Newt, Minho, (Y/N) wake up."

"What is it?" Newt mumbles, getting to his feet.

"I see something." Thomas points over in the distance, to where a line of bright lights stands out against the mountains. "Those lights," he says, "we made it."

Everyone jumps as a clap of thunder sounds from behind us. Lightning flashes in the heavy clouds, violent bursts of it casting a ghostly glow over us.

"We gotta go," Thomas says, grabbing Minho, "we gotta go now." He scoops up his pack, running towards the city. We follow, the lightning and thunder getting closer by the second.

"Hurry!" he yells, we're almost there.

We duck as a lightning strike sounds just behind us, then keep on going. The ground around is littered with cars and other old bits of trash, we can see the first buildings of the city.

"(Y/N) come on!" Newt yells, and I run faster, lightning strikes raining down around us.

Suddenly, a burst of electricity spears from the clouds, throwing Minho sideways. There's ringing in my ears, obliterating everything else. I scream, running towards him. He's not moving, his clothes smoking.

"Minho!" I yell, but can't hear it. "Minho come on!" he doesn't respond, slowly sound is returning.

"(Y/N)," Newt's shaking my shoulder, "come on we've got to go!"

"Help me!" I shout, grabbing Minho around the chest and trying to lift him. Newt bends down, taking one of Minho's arms dragging him up, I take the other. Together, we haul our unconscious friend into the building.

Frypan slams the door behind us, it's dark. It's so dark!

"Minho?" I lay him down on the floor, taking a flashlight from my pocket. I turn it on, shining it on him. "Minho?" he doesn't move. I shake him, putting my hand on the side of his face. "Minho, come on, man!"

"Oh god, Minho come on!" Newt shakes his shoulder. I sit back, staring at Minho's still face.

He groans, turning his head.

"Minho, you're ok!" I hug him, and he weakly pats my shoulder.

"Ah, yeah, I'm ok," he says, and I let go, "what happened?"

Newt and I glance at each other. "You got struck by lightning." Newt says.

"Oh," We laugh. Minho sits up, and I grab his hand, pulling him to his feet. He's a little unsteady and keeps a hand on my shoulder, but he's ok. "Thanks guys," he smiles.

"Hey," it's Teresa, she's looking around the building we're in, a furrow between her brows, "what's that smell?" That's when the rest of us notice it. It's gross, like a mixture of rotting meat, vomit, blood and urine.

A Crank rears up at us, the light from my flashlight catching it's hideous face.

Teresa screams, jumping backwards. The thing is chained, but that doesn't make it any less terrifying.

"Behind you!" Teresa shouts, we turn, they're everywhere. Chained Cranks are springing to life all around us, their hideous screams and wails filling the air.

"I see you've met our guard dogs," a cool voice rings through a chaos, a girl's voice.

A slim figure walks towards us, paying no heed to the Cranks all around her, snapping and biting as she passes.

"Stay back, stay back!" Thomas shouts, and the figure stops.

The girl is roughly our age, maybe a little older and has a shaved head. Her large, brown eyes take us in, scanning our faces.

"You guys look like shit." She compliments us, eyeing our filthy and sunburnt faces, torn up clothes and dirt encrusted hair. "Come on," she says, "follow me." When none of us make a move, she turns back, raising an eyebrow. "Unless you wanna stay here with them?"

We don't really have a choice. Thomas leads us after her, Newt taking my hand and following him, Frypan and Minho behind us, then Aris and Teresa bringing up the rear.

WICKED games 2 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now