Chapter II

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"She's back?!" Nate asked surprised.

"Yea." I replied

"Did you guys talk?"Nate asked

" If you consider her constantly burning me with words as talking." I said sadly.

"Oh boy." Nate said regrettably. "You know, maybe she's still just bitter.  Or maybe her seeing you when she was not ready just brought back the ugly memory, and she just said that to hurt you as much as you did her."

"But she loved me, right?" I asked "feelings don't just leave like that, do they?"

"I don't know man. People are different." He said pitifully.

"But she did have the ring." I retorted

"The one you gave her in Paris?" He asked

"Yeah" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"That's good news. Maybe she is still holding on but is just hurt." He offered hopefully.

"Not exactly." I said

"What do you mean not exactly?" He asked confused.

"She...she got another ring." I explained

"Another ring?" Nate asked incredulously. "Mike people get a lot of rings as accessories these days a ring could..." then realization dawn on him. "Shit!! It's another man's." He exclaimed his eyes wide.

I bowed my head in defeat. 

"I'm really sorry man." He said.

"I don't know what to do from here. I had prayed so hard, wishing I could get her back and now she's back, she had to get with another man." I replied in desperation.

"It'll be fine man. Maybe you both just need some time, some space to heal from your wounds." Nate placated

"But we've been separated for over 3years plus now-  no calls, no text, no emails no contact. Was that not enough?" I asked.

"Maybe the process is longer for her. Just respect that. Plus you don't want to get into trouble with her new man." He reasoned.

"I could careless about him. And honestly between us. I'm not sure I can stay away from her now that I found her." I replied stubbornly.

"don't do anything crazy. You just got out of some shit I don't want us to go back to." He said.

"I know." I snapped. "I'm not going to harass her or anything." I grumbled.  I know he was coming from a good side and just wanted  my wellbeing.

In truth I've been shit for the past 2 and a half years. Drinking to stupor, getting into fights, starving myself, missing meetings and worst was I fell into drugs. Her leaving me was the most devastating experience I had ever had. I had spent a better part of those years in rehab.

The first year was chaotic: I had started by loosing my appetite and had lost interest in a lot of things. Eveything felt vague and pointless.  I had taken on more work, closed at late hours just to avoid the solitude that brezzed through my house. Many evenings i had return hoping to see her pulling out stuff for dinner from  the fridge, dressed in one of my shirts but all I got was Millie's happy barks when I returned- I couldn't recall the number of nights I had spent at the office just to avoid the emptiness of my house.  Even Millie had been less happy these days- always sniffing around Aisha's favorite rug with a whine. I guess she missed her as much as I did. She even stopped running to the door to receive me when she heard the door open. I guess she had picked on that Aisha wasn't returning when she couldn't get her scent on me anymore.

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