Chapter XXVI

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A desperate part of me kept making me hold back, defend him, but another part kept nagging me about denouncing him and Javier's words were really tipping the scales, weakening my resolve. I broke into tears and buried my face in my hands. I really didn't know what to do. I felt his arms envelop me as he rubbed soothing circles on my back. I heard him mutter a what did he do under his breath which made my sobbing worse.

"It's ok I'm here." He placated - guiding me towards the sofa. Once we were seated he pushed the hair out of my face to look at me. "Oh honey. " he sighed sadly. He stood up briefly to grab the pack of tissue on the coffee table then dab gently on my face.

"Don't wanna ruin your make up now. Do we? " he joked which made me smile a little. He was always so kind to me even when I was so rude and inconsiderate at times.

"I think I already ruined your shirt and suit with my pathetic crying. " I sniffed pointing to his suit.

"Nothing that can't be washed out " he smiled. "And don't say you're pathetic. Crying never makes you pathetic or weak." He said cleaning up my face again. "... on the contrary, it shows strength, resolve, release, freedom. " he spoke gently.

"But I'm such and ugly cryer though. " I sniffed trying to wipe the wetness under my eyes.

"Really? I didn't notice. " he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

I scoffed at him. "But real talk, you should consider being a motivational speaker. " I joked.

"You right, maybe I should reconsider my vocation. " he replied making a pensive pose. I chuckled at his antics. I know he's playing around to diffuse the tension so I could talk more freely.

"I know you're trying to get me to talk by easing the atmosphere. " I added

"Is it working? " he asked with a playfully smile, his eyes glinting.

"We can't talk about everything you know? My couple issues are me and Christian's... not some community project. " I replied softly.

For a moment, a look of hurt crossed his face.

He sighed in resignation. "You know I wouldn't insist if it wasn't important. I know he is important to you and that's why it bugs me so much. Trust me if it were anything else, you know I would have let it be but you're hurting and I can't stand and watch. whether you consider it meddling or not. We're way past that and it's offensive for you to keep brushing me off like that perpetually. " he scolded and I flinched.

He was right, he was always trying his best to be there for me but I had this nasty habit of internalizing problems and hardly sharing them.

"I'm sorry." I apologized looking down.

He let out a tired sigh, running his hands through his raven black hair as he rested on the other side of the chair.

"What happened? You've been acting weird since the party. You can barely look at anyone in the eyes, you act more reserved than usual, you practically bolt out when it nears closing hours, you're constantly on edge,... even the way you dress changed." He said. I had no idea he had even noticed how furtive I had been all these days.

"Yes I noticed all of that because I do pay attention to details too. Not just you. Hell even your smiles feel forced and are so brief like you're unhappy. " he added. "Did something happen? Did someone hurt you? Did Christian hurt you? " he quizzed.

"He didn't hurt me per say..." I begun.

"So is it someone else? Was it Michael? " he asked

"No. God no. He would never do that." I immediately responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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