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4 am.
That's how early my alarm clock is set for the next several months. This morning was the first time of many, and man how I hated it. I wasn't a morning person, I loved staying in bed till 12 pm, call me lazy I don't care.
It was freezing cold in Budapest, so I decided to let my natural wavy hair down for some extra warmth. I put on my blue skinny jeans with my black turtleneck, and my black blazer. My shoes were of course also black, black boots to be precise. Some nude lipgloss and brown eyeshadow to empathize my green eyes, and we're all done. I picked up my bags and took one last look at my beautiful hotel room. Goodbye luxury, hello trailer park, I thought as I let out a sigh. I took the elevator downstairs and met with the rest of the crew, so we could all travel together in groups. It was an hour drive, and I was in the car with Ruby.
"These views are amazing! I love Hungary already!" I said looking out of the window.
Ruby was on her phone most of the time, sometimes looking up when I told her she should see something.
"So how are the nerves, have you met Henry yet?" she said looking at me sternly.
"They're there, trust me. It's my first job within a global series. But no, I have not met him yet, guess I'll see him later." I tried reading her body language, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"I just want to make one thing clear. Don't try anything with Henry. I have wanted that man for years and I'm not going to let some college student ruin things for me. He is out of your league, you know."
Damn, that woman didn't even try to be subtle. I furrowed my eyebrows once again at her words and was trying to find the right words.
"I'm here to work, Ruby. To expand my career." My excited mood from before turned into something a bit more serious. Why would she think I would go after him? What's so special about this guy, anyway?
The rest of the ride was quiet and a bit awkward. I was disappointed, I really wanted to get along well with the person I had to work the most with for the upcoming time.
When we got there we almost immediately went to our trailers to put our things down, and then to the make up trailer where clothing and hair is also done. It was almost time for us to meet the cast.
I decided to say something to Ruby, I could see she was nervous.
"So, you got the outfits ready?"
She looked up and let out a sigh, then signed for me to come to her. I did and looked at the clothing, the outfits were so beautifully coordinated and were a perfect fit for the story, in my opinion.
"Looks good! Don't worry, it's going to be great. You are going to do great!"
She put her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes with what looked like sorrow.
"I'm sorry for what I said in the car, I didn't mean to come off like that. I just.. I have liked Henry for a really long time and now you're here with your beautiful hair and beautiful young face.. I'm just insecure I guess, I'm sorry."
I smiled at her and tried to think of what to say.
"Don't. You're gorgeous and from what I can see, amazing at what you do. Now stand up straight and pull yourself together! They could be here any moment."
We both startled at the sound of someone knocking on the door. I felt the nerves suddenly rage through my body as I knew who it was, and I didn't know why. Now I was the one who had to pull myself together.

"C-come in..!"

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