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~Few Months Later


Im now 8 months in a half. Today im going to find out the gender and buy the rest of baby stuff i need. Im going alone. Me and chresanto not talking still. But he still checks on me. I sometimes get lonely and cry cuz i really do miss chresanto being by my side. But i dont think me and chresanto will get back together. I got downstairs and all they chrismas gifts is everywhere. Everynight they wait til i go to sleep to go downstairs and play with everything. Im so tired of cleaning this house. When they get here,they gone clean up for once. Chresanto mom has them. I got me some uggs. They are so comfortable my feet doesnt hurt as much when i where so now i got like 5 pairs. I put on my coat and stuff and grab my purse and go to my appointment.

When i got there,they told me staright to the room. Dr.Hall.

Dr.Hall-Hello Yn,how are you?

Yn-im great,how are you?

Dr.Hall-good,any pain lately?

Yn-just the usual feet and back

Dr.Hall-okay,ready to find out the gender


He put the cold jelly stuff on my stomach and as he was moving the thing on my stomach and i started to cry alittle.

Dr.Hall-Yn it looks like your having twins


Dr.Hall-yes,i know for sure your having a boy,the only baby it hiding behind the boy so i cant tell what gender it is but would you like a picture?

Yn-yes please

He give me the picture and cleaned my belly off. I couldnt stop looking at it. Im finna have 2 more kids. I did always want a big family. But im not having no more after this. Now i have 5 kids well 6 trent is my baby too. I dont care if i didnt birth him. I didnt want to go shopping on my own so i ask christian to go with me because ik he will go with me and i need help.I go to his house and honk and he comes out and get in the car.

Christian-why didnt you let me come get you?

Yn-cuz i was already outside

Christian-aw,so what are you having?

Yn-twins(i said excited showing him the ultrasound pictures) i only know one of them is a boy,i dont no if im having boy girl or boy boy but i kinda got a feeling im having boy girl

Christian-so what all you getting today?

Yn-well i need a bigger crib,or another crib, i have alot of stuff at home that people gave me that i need to look at and i need 2 dressers to put they clothes in and 2 car seats,basically double of everything


After walking around all day and buying baby stuff. Christian new i was tired so he buying me lunch. We are at another healthy restaurants,the food sound nasty but its very good.

Yn-do you have something to do today?


Yn-do you mind coming over and helping me fix up the room?

Christian-sure sweety

Yn-thank you,and afterwards we can watch a movie or something


After eatting lunch we went to my house and he moved everything to the babies room. And while he put the crib together i started to open and unpack all the gifts i've gotten and never opened or looked at. I got alot of pampers. Like they have pampers for a year. Ive also got some cute clothes and toys. A million bottles and pacifiers. After unpacking everything and putting the gifts up. I started to look for carpet cuz this room has hard wood floor and ik they gone want to move around on the floor. All babies do.

Christian-yn,im sorry i have to go,my mom want me

Yn-its okay,go help your mom

As i was letting christian out,chresanto mom was just getting to the door with the kids. Ughh,i dont want to here this shit.

Cm=Chresanto Mom

Cm-yn who is this?

Yn-my boss

Cm-(looks him up and down)hmm, chresanto use to be your boss

Yn-bye christian see you tomorrow

Christian-uh uh,wat did i tell you?

Yn-fine i will stay home and relax

Christian-ik(get in his car and leave)

Cm-yn you found someone already?

Yn-no mom,we are just friends

Cm-then why was he here

Yn-helping me with baby stuff

Cm-why didnt u ask chresanto

Yn-we not talking

Cm-he still would of helped you,do you know he came to my house crying over you.Chresanto never cries.He's hurting yn.

Yn-and im not,he fucking hit me in the face hard

Cm-idc how mad you are,dont curse at me be respectful

Yn-im sorry but everybody yelling and mad at me like im the bad guy.He hit me and kicked me out. And he was the one that even thought of divorce. I never thought of divorce when i was with him because i love him.Im not giving him a second chance and thats final.

She goes up to the babyroom and tired to fine something to do.


I just want yn and chresanto to get back together. After we founded out trixy passed away. Chresanto wasnt the same. He never really smiled or had fun. He was miserable. He didnt go to work for a month,and he lost everything. But i helped him back on his feet so he can finish his career. When trent got older to pay and stuff. Chresanto couldnt stop smiling. They was together all day until trent got to the age of 5 and start kindergarden. And chresanto didnt tell me he hit her. I told him never put his hands on a women and im beating his ass for that. I go up to the baby room and its beautiful. Everything is a little yellow,she must be having a girl.

Cm-are you having a girl?

Yn-im having twins i know for sure im having a boy,the other baby is hiding behind the boy so he couldnt tell me the gender was but i got a feeling its a girl,so im making the room a light blue and yellow

Cm-I cant wait for them to get here

Yn-me 2,im just hope i can take the pain

Cm-let go out for dinner,you hungry?

Yn-mom you no im hungry

Cm-i want to go to this fancy place so get fancy


Cm-i will be back in a hour


I dont feel like getting the kids ready. My mom texted me just in time to so she coming to watch them. I havent looked pretty in a minute. I just put my bob in a ponytail and throw on some sweats and a big shirt. Today im going to wear my black dress that looks perfect because im pregnant,it was a gift but it was to big and im wearing heels. I put on some red lipstick. Debating if i should put some heels on. Its snow outside so i put on some boots that look right with the dress.


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