Chapter 27: Drummer Boys Drum

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The video is cool drum cover of a classic...Fire By Jimi Hendrix....look at the speed of those sticks! I hear this is a challenging song to play on drums due to the pace and the change-up rhythms...


I beat out the anger, the frustration, the shame, the guilt.

I beat away all burdens.

Until I am the vibration beneath my sticks.

There comes a point when I feel like me again. That's when I put on headphones and my favorite drum-along playlist, close my eyes, and lean in.

I play past the pain and into joy.

I end with a neurotic repetition of Jimi Hendrix's Fire, playing it at least ten times. Damn that's a good song. Not only does it have great drums, and a great grungy guitar solo, it's got soul. Leed would do a great job with the vocals.

I finish with a flourish, toss my sticks and pull out my phone.

I share Fire with the Soundcrush thread with the text:

We should work up a live cover of this.

Trace is the first to reply:

That's a good damn song for a summer festival. I'm in.

Leed follows in seconds:

I dig it.

Then he quotes the lyrics of the song, altering them slightly:

Move over Rover, and let Leed take over.


I'm always down for a classic.

I wonder what Mac will say, because the original song didn't have keys. She's apparently down in their studio, because she sends an audio recording of a very psychedelic organ intro she just improved. Then a text:

I can work with that.


Groovy intro, Shortcake. you know where Lennon's yellow pacifier is? She likes that one the best.


RJ ate it.

I hit back:

I know I'm out of the loop, but who is RJ?

Adam sends a picture of what looks like an adolescent golden retriever:

Rex Junior. Blake's dog.


Blake's dog? You mean your dog? That your sister fronts for you as her son's dog?


No, you said we shouldn't get a dog until we slayed newborn parenting.


I said that, yet RJ is here more than Blake's house.

I laugh. Feels like old times. Madam has been high-jacking text threads since we were planning our first gig.


Yeah, I don't know why that is.



You feed him

You play fetch with him

Every time you take Lennon for a walk.

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