The video is cool drum cover of a classic...Fire By Jimi Hendrix....look at the speed of those sticks! I hear this is a challenging song to play on drums due to the pace and the change-up rhythms...
I beat out the anger, the frustration, the shame, the guilt.
I beat away all burdens.
Until I am the vibration beneath my sticks.
There comes a point when I feel like me again. That's when I put on headphones and my favorite drum-along playlist, close my eyes, and lean in.
I play past the pain and into joy.
I end with a neurotic repetition of Jimi Hendrix's Fire, playing it at least ten times. Damn that's a good song. Not only does it have great drums, and a great grungy guitar solo, it's got soul. Leed would do a great job with the vocals.
I finish with a flourish, toss my sticks and pull out my phone.
I share Fire with the Soundcrush thread with the text:
We should work up a live cover of this.
Trace is the first to reply:
That's a good damn song for a summer festival. I'm in.
Leed follows in seconds:
I dig it.
Then he quotes the lyrics of the song, altering them slightly:
Move over Rover, and let Leed take over.
I'm always down for a classic.
I wonder what Mac will say, because the original song didn't have keys. She's apparently down in their studio, because she sends an audio recording of a very psychedelic organ intro she just improved. Then a text:
I can work with that.
Groovy intro, Shortcake. you know where Lennon's yellow pacifier is? She likes that one the best.
RJ ate it.
I hit back:
I know I'm out of the loop, but who is RJ?
Adam sends a picture of what looks like an adolescent golden retriever:
Rex Junior. Blake's dog.
Blake's dog? You mean your dog? That your sister fronts for you as her son's dog?
No, you said we shouldn't get a dog until we slayed newborn parenting.
I said that, yet RJ is here more than Blake's house.
I laugh. Feels like old times. Madam has been high-jacking text threads since we were planning our first gig.
Yeah, I don't know why that is.
You feed him
You play fetch with him
Every time you take Lennon for a walk.
DRASTIC (Book 4 of the Soundcrush Series)
RomanceBodie Jamison. The enigmatic drummer of Soundcrush,always hiding his pain behind his laughter. Bodie has two habits he can't quit. Heroin and Arabella Burns. What happens when Marley Watkins--Soundcrush's favorite over-the-phone-counselor who ha...