Chapter 47: Drummer Boys Dress To Impress The Wrong People

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A little short transition before Bodie goes to "take care of business." I like the way Bodie and Marley's relationship is evolving. I think this chapter illustrates...


I pull on a shirt a little slower than I normally would, because Marley is watching me dress in my closet.

Even though we've been living together for three months, this new vibe is way different. We're actin' like kids—flexin' and preenin' for each other. She's wandered back into my closet after going to her own room—where her clothes still reside at the moment.

She's returned in a short little beige skirt, a loose dusky blue tunic, ankle boots, and some long necklaces. I notice a little extra swing in her hips when she saunters in.

I toss a pair of Ray-Ban Aviators down, my interest in Marley's look completely eclipsing my own. Never seen her in a skirt that short. Well, not since the old days.

"That's a hella hot set 'a legs, Mama. If you're sellin', I'm buyin'. What time do they re-open?"

"For you? I'm open twenty-four-seven," she pops right back.

This girl. So fun. I give her my rock star smile and draw her close, patting her bottom, because I can't stop touching her now.

"Cute," I peck her lips. "Your outfit, too."


The gams are gorgeous, the outfit is alluring, but it's not her typical hang—at-home style.

"You going out, too?" I ask, as she shifts by me to close the five drawers hanging open in the built-ins. I open another shallow drawer, reaching for a black pair of D&G sunglasses and hooking them on my shirt.

"Yes. I called Ashlynn. We're having lunch."

I nod. This is also new. Us separating for the day, I mean. I'm sort of surprised. Marley has been sticking to me like glue for months. But she's not my sober companion anymore and she accepted my heads-up that I need some space today to do my shady shit, so I think it's awesome if she has her own plans. It will keep her from worrying about me.

"That's good. I'm glad. I'm sure she could use a friend."

"She's keeping busy. That helps, after a break-up. Cam's doing better with this round of chemo, but it's still a lot to handle...his appointments, his care. Plus, her wellness regimen..."

I nod silently. I guess the Rev and Adam are rubbing off on me, because I find myself saying a little prayer for Sunny's sobriety. I hope to god she hasn't thrown all her hard work away in the mess of a break-up that none of us really understand.

"Maybe you guys should do a little high-end retail therapy," I suggest.

"Not a good idea for the about-to-be-unemployed. Calling Riley to officially resign is also on my to-do list today."

"That's cool, but I seriously hope you are kidding about the first statement. You do not need to worry about money. Use the household accounts. And Ashlynn can definitely help you choose some appearance clothes. She's been around the LA scene plenty. We'll be going out a lot in LA, you know..."

"You know what I've been thinking? The truth is...I don't have to go to those appearances now. I'm not your sober companion. I'm going to trust you to stay sober on your own, and you're scheduled to make all those appearance with Arabella. Frankly, Bodie...I really can't swallow the idea of being a third wheel. Maybe we should just resolve the Darius issue by me staying here with him, not coming to LA with you."

I snatch the sunglasses off my shirt and toss them down because they are bugging me. "Marley. Come on. Don't be like this. I do not want to go to LA without you. I want you to experience what the Soundcrush life is really like. The Arabella situation will be over in less than a month. I swear to fuck we're breaking up the day after the Grammy's, and after that it's strictly business—"

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