Chapter 53: Smart Girls Are Rocket Queens

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I know you've been waiting awhile for this chapter, so I tried to make it worth it! Don't worry, this is very hot, but Marley is pretty classy even in her head, so I think it's okay to post one radio edit/explicit cut here...just Marley's exuberant perspective...

One note: I did something I've never (rarely?) done...I posted a second song in the middle of the chapter. Definitely switch to that YouTube audio to capture the intensity of the rest of the love scene.....


I shouldn't be this nervous.

I've had the boy.

But the man?

I haven't had the full pleasure yet, and I have wanted him for so long now.

At least since Labor Day, when he stopped my angry words with a kiss that exploded into my brain and my heart, fracturing my sense of self.

Now, as he presses against my lower back like he knows the secret spot to collapse me, and follows right down on top of me, I feel like he's putting me back together again.

His breath is jagged as he threads a hand in my hair, tilting my head, kissing along my jaw and my neck.

"Never knew I wanted this. This life. This love," he murmurs gently. "But I do. So fucking much, Jasmine. I always have. I always will. No matter what."

His hands, words, even the pressure of his body, are gentle and sure. But his breath—provoked and unsteady—lets me know.

We are both desperate. We are both scared.

History. Family. Responsibility.


Gangsters. Drugs. Deals.

Treachery. Lies.

Stray bullets.

Ghosts. Graves.

This is a dangerous odyssey we are on.

A wild ride. A blind curve.

We need each other.


We need to grasp on tight and give each other everything. No matter what the outcome, no matter how much it might hurt in the end.

Suddenly I don't want slow. I want everything he wants to give me—his love, his passion, his strength, his body—all at once.

I push off his open shirt and tug frantically at his tank top.

Catching my frenzy, he divests himself of all clothes, even as one hand roams my lingerie. His mouth is everywhere, sucking, licking, gasping against my throat and chest. His cock hangs heavy on my stomach as he pushes up off me, trying to slow our speed.

His shaking hand skirts the edge of my hairline. His smile is straining to be sweet, but his amber eyes are dark, already burned black in the fires of his desire.

"I promised you slow—"

I wrap my legs around his perfectly hard ass. I hold his face with both my hands.

"I promised you ride-or-die. I won't ask you for your secrets, but you give me everything here. Now. No holding back."

For one second, he looks at me with such...pride.

Then, he's in my mouth with his, diving into my soul—one hand is hauling me up against the couch arm and the other is pushing aside the strip of my thong. He groans against my tongue as his fingers explore my slipperiness, spreading me, smearing me.

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