Chapter 86: Smart Girls Have A Wedding Shower

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Marley, Four days Later

"Good morning."

Bodie's voice greets me as soon as my eyes flutter, making my heart to do the same.

I stretch in his arms, my lips automatically seeking skin, any skin. They land on the dip just below his collarbone, planting unspoken promises and love even as they explore.

There used to be more muscle here, building to bulky pecs, but he's thin again for the moment. He didn't want to risk getting injured with a lot of weights, so he only ran and did bodyweight training in prison. Of course I saw his body changing during visits, but it's good that I can finally touch the changes I watched over time. Yes, it's good to be continually naked together once again.

Well, as continuously naked as we can be. A lot has happened in the last few days. Bodie has been spending most of his waking time with Darius, and now we've traded one paradise for another—Hawaii for Costa Rica.

But the real paradise is here in Bodie's arms.

He sighs in bliss as I kiss my way across his chest and climb on top of him.

"Again, Jasmine?" he grins. "You're insatiable."

"Lucky you," I murmur, rubbing myself on his erection.

He flips me over almost violently, but is all tenderness as he kisses down my chest and belly. When he reaches my other lips he says, "Lucky me? Lucky you I still remember how to do this..."

I grip his head and try not to scream, considering Darius is on the couch in this small tropical bungalow. " win...lucky me..." I pant.

"I always win," he gets down to business and has me quaking so fast that he continues the conversation as he swiftly enters me while I'm still coming. "See? Jackpot!" he grins.

I grab his shoulders and pull him frantically to me in a frenzied kiss.

God, I missed him so much.

Half an hour later Bodie is brushing his teeth and I'm performing the beginnings of my get-ready routine, too. Ashlynn and Leed are getting married today, but in the middle of the jungle beneath waterfall spray, so they are the only ones being styled for an official wedding portrait. The rest of us are low-key glam today.

I've just finished applying my moisturizer, doing a few small morning tasks while I wait for it to dry. I pull my pack of birth control pills from my travel kit, turning them over and over in my hands.

Bodie spits in the sink, but he's watching me thoughtfully.

I meet his eyes in the mirror.

He smiles at me and I smile back.

No words are necessary. We've shared thousands upon thousands in the last year, and I've read each and every one dozens of time. Every letter he wrote me is imprinted on my soul.

I know this man.

I love this man.

I trust this man.

I hand him the pills.

He opens the pack, examining it. "You're sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

He nods mildly, taking my hand, leading me over to the toilet. One by one, he pops them out into the bowl.

"You do the honors, Jasmine."

I flush. He swoops me up and carries me back to bed as I whoop in surprise.

"No, we don't have time for this again," I laugh at him. "Leed's wedding is in two—"

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