Chapter 83: Smart Girls Don't Say Yes

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Oh man, I've been waiting forever to use my favorite song. I'm not lying, this song is in my top ten favorite songs...I love R. City...

This chapter is dedicated to Darius, who has been mostly in the dark this whole book trying to piece things together. I think he deserves a complete and thorough explanation, don't you? (Also it's a good recap of this complicated mess and how it all has come full circle...)


Bodie sleeps three hours, and then he bounds down the stairs full of energy and catches me in the kitchen, pulling me into a passionate mouth claiming.

"Sweet Jasmine..." he breathes between kisses. "Need"

He's drawing me back up the stairs. "Bodie—"


"This is not—"

"A dangerous, drastic situation anymore—" he palms my ass with both hands, pulling me against him, so that I feel his erection hard against my belly. "But a new, urgent matter is on the rise..."

I giggle despite myself, then stop, amazed that I can still make that sound. Dr. Watkins quickly suppresses it.


"Marley—" he wheedles and pulls me about halfway up the stairs.

"Dude," a sarcastic voice drawls from the bottom of the stairs.

Bodie's hands are still roving my backside as he looks over his shoulder. "I expect this shit from Darius. But how you gonna do me like this, Adam?"

"You're going to jail!?!?" Adam hisses up the stairwell, aware that Darius is still sleeping.

Bodie looks at me. "You told him?"

"It just...slipped out with amidst all the sobs," I shrug.

He runs a thumb beneath my puffy eyes. "Awww, you were cryin' over me? So you do still love me?"

"Of course. But love is not the point."

"Exactly! Thank you, Marley!" It's amazing how much force Adam can put into a whisper. I guess he and Mac, parents of a toddler, whisper-fight a lot while she is napping.

"Dude, hell yes  I'm going to jail. But listen,did you know that only four states in the whole fucking country still allow conjugal visits? It's highly unlikely I will be assigned to a correctional facility in one of them..."

"For real? Only four?" Adam seems surprised.

Bodie nods solemnly as his remaining hand on my ass disappears. "Hand to god. I looked it up."

Adam sighs all his anger flowing away like a receding tide. "Well I guess love is exactly the point right now..."

Bodie grins. "Thanks, brother."

"Band house. Five o'clock. Moran will be here by then and hopefully the girls will have shit cleaned up by then..."

I turn in Bodie's arms. "What happened at the band house?"

Adam gives me a wan smile, but meets Bodie's eyes for the answer. "When I told Trace what Marley told me, he fucking trashed the place. He's locked himself in the studio right now. Kat says he's playing death metal solos..."

"Fuck," Bodie groans.

"Yeah, better go ahead and do that, while you can," Adam says breezily, grabbing his keys from the bar and striding out the back door.

DRASTIC (Book 4 of the Soundcrush Series)Where stories live. Discover now