"Soff you need to hurry up, we need to get you to the airport" I heard my mom call for me while I took the picture of the sunflower next to our house, I looked at the picture liking how it turned out, I took my bag from the floor and walking back to the car where Phil, Renee and my older sister Bella were waiting for me, I turned my camera quickly showing Bella, she beamed at me.
"It looks so beautiful" she told me while getting in the car, I just shrugged my shoulders. It was alright but it wasn't my best work, I started going through my photos and erasing some that I didn't like that much because my memory was getting full and right now I couldn't afford another one, I sighed at that.
"Girls you can come back as soon as you want to, if you don't like living with Charlie you don't have to stay" Renee assured us while she turned fully to face us in the passenger seat. I looked at Bella and she gave me a warning look.
"Charlie is our parent too, we'd like to spend more time with him, we already told you that" I replied to her while scooting closer to the door on my side and leaned my head on the cold glass of the window it felt refreshing.
Renee turned to look at Bella and I shut them out, I love my mother but she was mentally exhausting, and out of the two of us, Bella was always better at dealing with her.We got to the airport in no time and after hugging my mother- twice- and Phil goodbye, Bella and I boarded the plane, she was reading a book and I listened to music until I fell asleep. I woke up when Bella shook me awake, the pilot was announcing that we would be landing soon, I re-fastened my seat belt and stretched my neck that was a little stiff.
After landing we went to search for our luggage and then we met with Charlie, our father, we hugged him and then went to his car, of course it was a police cruise, Bella being older got to ride on the front and I had to ride in the back.
"Your hair is longer" he commented to Bella, making a horrible effort to make some chit chat. I giggled a little bit. Bella gave me a warning look thru the rearview mirror and I tighten my lips into a thin line.
"I cut it since last time I saw you" she replied, I snorted. Talk about an awkward conversation.
"My hair is longer too!" I chirped trying to ease the tension, it worked. Charlie laughed and Bella chuckled while shaking her head.
"Yeah Soff, it does look longer" Charlie concede still laughing a bit.
We arrived after a 40-minute drive to our new home, it looked the same as it was a few years ago. We used to come here every summer since I remember but we hadn't been here since I was 8- and Bella was 10- nothing had changed a bit.
Thank God the house was a 3 Bedroom place but only one bathroom, I was used to share with Bella but I have never share a personal space with a man. I mean Charlie was my dad so I supposed it won't be that weird. Still I hope none of us three catch a stomach bug because that really would be awkward.
"So the room to the right is Bella's and the one to the left is Soff's, next to Soff's is my room and that door down the hall is the bathroom. I cleared two shelves for you guys, you get one each" Charlie instructed us while setting both luggage in the hall in front of our doors.
"Thanks dad" Bella said while rolling her suitcase into her room, he waved at us in 'forget it' kinda way. I palmed his back really hard and ran away to my room with my suitcase, I saw him gulp because of my blow.
My room was the same but instead of the twin sized bed, now I have a full bed. Also where before it was a painting station and all my old drawing there were now a bulletin board from roof to floor. I beamed, I could pin all my pictures there.
"Your mom mentioned that you like to put pictures up on your wall back in Phoenix so I thought that maybe we could add something here to make you feel more than home, know you had a bigger room at your mother's but I..." Charlie started raveling and I decided to put him out of his misery.
"I don't need a bigger room, I just need where to hang my photos, so thank you" he smiled thankful and stood a little straighter out of my room, clearly proud of himself.
"I think you just made his whole year" Bella smirked while leaning on the door frame, I smiled at my sister and pointed at the bulletin wall.
"You have to check this out, I have some space to put all my pictures" I told her, she walked to my side and put an arm around my shoulder and looked at the wall.
"That's great Soff, do you need some help to hang them?" she asked me while ruffling my hair, I shove her away from me quickly.
"I think I can manage, now go away" I shooed her out of my room while opening my suitcase on my bed and started unpacking.
Just when I was done packing I heard a honk of a car and Charlie calling for Bella and I, I looked through the window and saw two men that were outside chatting with Charlie, one was around my age and the other was a man on a wheel chair.
"Bella! Soff!" Charlie called again, this time I headed to were Charlie was, Bella had already got there.
"There you are, do you guys remember Billy Black and his son Jacob?" Charlie introduced us, I was standing one step behind Bella, really not remembering nothing about Bella.
"Of course! Looking good Billy" Bella lied while giving them a shy smile.
"I'm Jacob, do you guys remember me? We used to make mud pies when we were little" the boy called Jacob greeted us, I shook my head no.
"Of course, we used to play with his sisters on the summer" Bella tried to make me remember and I kind of did remember playing with some twins that were older than Bella, I think one of them was called Rachel.
"I think I kind of remember now" I said just to get them off my hair, Bella smirked.
"So do you like your welcome home gift Bella?" Charlie said while palming the Big red truck that the Blacks had just parked in the driveway. I gaped, I got a freaking bulletin wall and Bella gets a car?
"This? Really? Thanks Dad! I love it!" she quickly got into the driver's seat. I glared at Charlie and he looked at me.
"Kid you are 15" he raised his hands up in defense.
"But I'm a junior just like Bella!" I accused him.
"Yeah... Cause little Miss smarty pants skipped two years, still you are fifteen and you don't have a driver's permit" I knew he was right but still, I glared at him.
"Soff you think you look threatening but you look like a kitty cat" he and Billy laughed at me, I fulminated them with my eyes and huffed.
"I'm not a kitty cat, I'm fierce lion" I said with determination but that only made them laugh harder.
"Do you even know how to drive, Soff?" Billy asked me and my eyes got big. Damn.
"Nope but I told you I'm smart, I'll learn" I replied quickly, Charlie looked at me amused.
"Let's make a deal, when you turn 16 we can talk and besides Bella having a car means that you get to catch a ride to and from school instead of me dropping you of on the Sheriff's cruise" Charlie told me with a knowing look and I had to give it to him, it was a strong point.
"Sheriff Swan, you got yourself a deal" I shook his hand and then turned to look at Bella just when she told Jacob that he could drive with us to school.
"I go to school in the reservation, too many pale faces in your school" he mocked, I rolled my eyes but Bella did look disappointed.
"That's a shame, I mean I would've love to have someone there that I know"
"You know me! Or what am I the strange next door neighbor?" I hit her lightly in the back of the head and she hissed and gave me what she thought was an intimidating look.
"Yo! Charlie check this out! This is how a mad kitty cat looks like" we all laughed, at exception of Bella of Course even though she had a little smile on her lips.

Dancing with our hands tied | Rosalie Hale
Fanfiction~~BOOK 1 of the Soffia Swan Series~~ When 17 year-old Bella Swan and her 15 year-old sister Soffia Swan moved to live with their father in the uneventful town of Forks they found love, friendship and adventure. "Breathing, as a person who has suffer...