Chapter 12: Party and Poetry

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"Looking good, Swan" Maggie praised and that made me look at my outfit. I had put a lot of work into it but next to them I looked like a mess.

I felt someone tap me in the back, then I saw Jessica eager for me to include her. I grimaced.

"Thanks Maggie, you look nice too, I like the boots" I complimented her back, at my right the short black haired pixie squealed.

"I picked them out for her, Maggie wanted to wear sneakers" the pixie exclaimed making a sound of the disgust at the end. She was a little shorter than me, so saying she was short was an understatement.

"God forbid!" I played along, she looked at me with some spark in her eyes.

"I don't think we have met before" she jumped up to be in front of me.

"Rosalie, aren't you going to introduce us?" she scolded her sister, turning a little to hit her lightly. Rosalie rolled her eyes a little annoyed. I wasn't sure if at her sister or at the fact she had to admit that she knew me.

"Soff meet Alice my annoying little sister, Alice meet my lab partner Soff" she introduced us with a nonchalant gesture of hand.

I tried to shake the hurt feeling I got when she introduced me as just a classmate, even when she had made it clear that we weren't friends.

"Nice to meet you, Soff, this is Jasper my boyfriend" she pulled the tall muscular blonde to stand next to her while clinging to his arm. I smiled a little, she looked dreamy at the guy standing next to her, she was clearly head over heels.

"Hi Jasper" I smiled shyly at him, suddenly remembering Bella's words from Monday night 'You have been staring at the Cullens almost as much as I have and you told me you were staring at Jasper'

My sister was under the impression I was crushing on this guy and now I had him in front of me with his actual girlfriend, and I was blushing deep red.

Jasper looked at me with an arched eyebrow and curious eyes.

"Soff" he tilted his head forward in a really gentleman manner, I hear someone clearing their throat next to me and I remembered Jessica's presence, along with Mike, Erick, Ben and Angela.

"Hi guys, I didn't know you were coming" Jessica beamed in awe of the Cullens, I actually couldn't blame her. They did have that effect on people, which made me add it to the list about the odd things about them.

Maggie slipped out from under Emmett's embrace and pulled me by side to pass an arm around my waist, I looked at her confused at the sudden affection.

"We are going to steal Soff from you guys, see you" Maggie didn't give Jessica time to react as she pulled me away from Jessica and Co., we were a couple of feet away from them and even closer to the campfire, I scrunched my nose when a breeze of smoke hit me straight in the face.

"I am so digging the red leather jacket, Soff" Alice said straightening up my jacket, and brushing my shoulders slopes.

"Thanks?" I was really confused, why were they talking to me? Was this some kind of joke?

"Why the long face, pipsqueak?" Emmett snickered with a mischievous smile, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Now, you are talking to me? All week you haven't spoken a single word in my presence. Any of you" If I sounded bitter, honestly I didn't care. Maggie snorted loudly at her boyfriend's gaping face, Jasper was simply smirking.

Emmett closed his mouth and I saw he was about to reply when a coughing fit hit me

Shutting my mouth close to stop the smoke from coming inside it, only made my body shake. I closed my eyes because I didn't want my watering eyes to ruin my eyeliner.

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