Chapter 11: Bella's Theories.

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"So... You are trying to tell me that you believe Edward is Superman?" I questioned Bella slowly, beginning to worry about my sister. Maybe she did hit her head pretty hard.

"No, I am telling you that Edward ran like 50 feet in less than a second to get to my side" she corrected me sounding absolutely serious and shifting from her cross-sitting position on her bed. I was sitting in the swirling chair from Bella's desk, right in front of her.

We were on Bella's room a few hours after she was discharged from the hospital. After taking a nap she was telling me all that happened.

"And don't forget how he pushed Tyler's van away with his bare hands" I added ironically, she was going mental and I was wondering if I had to take her back to the Hospital.

"I know what I saw, Soff"

"Bella it all happened really fast, look when people go through something traumatic like that, they fill the gaps to make out what happen, it doesn't mean that it actually did" I tried reasoning with her, she blushed but not out of shame. She looked angry.

"Don't go all smarty pants on me!" her tone of voice made roll my eyes.

"I am just stating that perhaps you need to get more sleep and then your head will clear up" I explained her, she threw a pillow at me that hit me square in the face. I groaned.

"Very Mature, Bella"

"Well, tell me that you haven't notice something strange in the Cullens, how about the pale skin, the golden eyes? They are all insanely beautiful and walk with perfect grace" Bella listed with her fingers while jumping off the bed and pacing back and for. I started thinking about what she was saying. 

Rosalie did have golden eyes, but I hadn't noticed that her siblings did too.

"Haven't you notice something strange about Jasper?" Bella's question made me looked at her confused. Jasper Hale? What about him?

"You have been staring at the Cullens almost as much as I have and you told me this morning you were staring at Jasper, so do not try to play innocent" she told me with her hands on her hips and an arched eyebrow.

It took me a few seconds to realize what she was talking about, this morning she had caught me ogling Rosalie and I had lied about who I was watching.

"Oh yeah, Jasper is so handsome" I nodded in a condescending manner. Bella's glare looked inquisitive but then shook her head and kept pacing.

"I must admit that they look too similar for people that are not supposed to be related" I agreed, Bella snapped her fingers at me in a booming manner.

"I am telling you I am not crazy, and if you had been there then you would've..." her voice faded out and then turned to look at me as if just realizing something.

"Where were you?" she asked me, I gaped at her. Damn it.

"I got hurt on PE and after lunch it hurt me too much so Rosalie Hale had to take me to the nurse's office so I got off earlier" I explained her trying to sound nonchalant, I had to tell her it was Rosalie who helped me because the whole classroom witnessed it. Bella frowned

"Rosalie, Ice Queen, Hale; took you to the nurse's office?" Bella's voice was full of surprise, and her eyebrows almost hitting her hair line. I frowned at the nickname.

"You know is not nice to call people nicknames, Bella" I scolded her. Nicknames were cruel and soul breaking, take it from an expert.

"Anyway, the teacher told her to help me out" I lied, Bella still looked confused.

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