Chapter 7: Apologies

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After calculus I said bye to Emmett and headed to PE, yesterday coach Clapp had told me to pick my uniform up on my way to the gym so that was what I did and then headed to the Gym after that and went straight to the locker room to change my clothes. When I walked into the locker room I noticed that the same girl that introduced herself to me yesterday, Mia Taylor, was in there, this must be a multi-class PE.

Some girls turned to look at me and then whispered among themselves, I frowned and looked for an empty locker, I had to walk a little further into the room to find it and almost next to the showers I found an empty one and started changing, I could feel Mia Taylor and her friends staring at me so I hurried and got out of the locker room and into the gym.

Everybody was already doing laps on the outside court so I headed that way. However, I noticed Maggie and Rosalie and were jogging along with the other girls, I didn't see them in yesterday's class, so they must've skipped or something.

I started walking trying to warm up and not exceed myself, everybody was passing me by and some snickered at me for my slow pace but I ignored and keep my jogging/fast-walking pace knowing that it was better that way.

-"Swan pick up the pace!"Coach Clapp yelled at me from the other side of the court, I frowned and speed up a little bit.

Some girls were closing up to me and I could hear their voices and laughter and then someone brushed past me making me stumble a bit. The girl just lifted her hand in an apologetic manner, she was so into the gossiping that she almost ran into me.

"Swan for real! You need to speed up" Coach clap exclaimed again when I jogged next into his spot. I snorted.

"Yeah Swan, speed up" Maggie mocked me ,imitating Coach Clapp's voice, I rolled my eyes at her but she and Rosalie were already 6 feet away.

I was relieved when the Coach whistled and told us that we were done for today, it was hard to breath and I urged into the locker room.

 I was the first one to get there or so I thought, because when I headed to my locker I saw that Maggie and Rosalie where already changing into their clothes.

"Hey Soff you finally sped up" Maggie joked, I gave her a shy smile and with shaky hands took my bag out of my locker and put it into the bench and started rooming into it, but I couldn't find my inhaler.

"Are you ok?" I turned when I heard Rosalie's velvet voice asking me, with short breaths I nodded and then proceed to search for it in my backpack's front pocket and that's where I found it.

I put my stuff back into the locker and hid from Rosalie and Maggie behind the locker's door and took a hit from my inhaler. I instantly felt air rushing down to my lungs and then put my inhaler back into the front pocket of my backpack.

When I turned around to start changing, Maggie was starting right in front of me completely dressed and one foot propped up into the lockers with her arms crossed.

"Are you ok? And don't even think about lying, I already told you that I can tell when people lie" she arched an eyebrow to me, I blushed profusely.

"Margarett!" Rosalie hissed and glared at her, I shivered at her glare and hoped that she never looked at me that way because it looked deathly. Maggie simply rolled her eyes at her sister and waited for my answer.

"Hey Soff, is that as fast as you can run?" I heard someone ask me and I turned to see Mia giving me a malicious look while her friends laughed.

"I guess so" I shrugged and continue changing as if their presence didn't affect me.

"Well that was lame, but what else could we expect from a nerd" Mia's venomous voice spoke again but I didn't even bother to look at them but I could still hear the giggles of other girls. I finished changing and took my things out of the locker to then close it. Rosalie and Maggie were done as well. Everybody else were just beginning to change so I gave the Cullen girls a shy smile and exited the locker room and got into my next class, I was the first one there and quickly got the seat in the back. The teacher soon came into the classroom and so did the rest of the class, this time no one sat with me and I was actually bummed a little bit, however I didn't let it get me down.

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