Chapter 21: Leah Time

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-How was your birthday party? – I heard Bella asking me as soon as I stepped inside my house, I got startled. I was not expecting her to be home.

- Great- I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly –How was your day with Edward? -

I felt like asking was the polite thing to do, I walked to the living room where Bella was sitting with a book in her lap and a mug of tea in the coffee table. My sister blushed red as an apple.

-It was nice- she bit her lip, I took a seat on the other side of the couch, folding my legs underneath me and leaning in the arm of the couch – Edward mentioned that you had extended an invitation to the party but I haven't met Edward's family yet and I didn't know if you wanted me there-

-Bella don't be ridiculous – I rolled my eyes at my sister – You are always welcome to any event in my life-

My sister smiled bright at me, she then engulfed me in a hug that I was quick to return.

-It's just that we have been distant for a while- Bella whispered in my hair, then she let go – I thought that we were not friends anymore-

-Bella you are my annoying big sister- I playfully smacked her on the leg- Sisters fight, don't sweat it-

-I know, I am sorry I have been on your hair so much, I just worry about you- Bella then turned serious- This crush you have with Jasper is not going to end well, he is married to Alice and they are never breaking up-

I threw my head back in frustration, and she was back.

-You don't have to worry about my feelings- I stated – Is not of your business who I like, and for the sake of our relationship let's make a pact that we are not going to talk about this anymore-

I extended my hand, Bella looked at my hand in hesitation. I waddled it a little to hurry her, after a sigh she finally shook it. I beamed at my sister, glad that I my relationship with Bella was no longer tense.

-Why don't you go and get ready, we have to go to the Clearwater's- Bella reminded me.

-Yey- I cheered – Leah time! –

-I think my parents are getting a divorce- Leah sighed, I gasped in surprise. I quickly side hugged Leah.

We were both alone in her room, Bella, Jacob and Seth went to have a walk in the beach and Leah had told me to stay behind with her so we could talk.

-Why? – I asked surprised, Sue seemed so attentive and family focused, Harry was also a family man, hosting family friendly BBQs twice a month. I couldn't understand why they were considering having a divorce.

-My dad had an affair- she admitted, tears rimming in her eyes – There is this guy Embry, he is friends with Jacob they are the same age, you saw him when you and your friends came over to the beach-

I nodded remembering the two guys that were hanging out with Jacob that day, now it seemed like ages ago.

-His mom was 17 when she got pregnant with him, she is like 10 years younger than my mom and dad, Embry had a bike accident on his way to school like three months ago - I blinked surprised at that, he had seemed just fine when I saw him, not at all like someone who had have a bike accident – He was fine aside form a bunch of scratches but he had the bad luck to had an early appendicitis at the moment of the crash, so after the collision his appendix burst and he had to have emergency surgery, nothing life threatening but still serious-

-That day I was volunteering there for community service, the hospital it's so small with only one emergency Operation Room that when Embry came in everybody knew who it was and what was happening. My mom had always been really kind to Tiffany Call, she said that Ms. Call was a hard working single mom alone in the world, so I went to see her in the waiting room to check on her-

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